module Bounded_int_table:sig
is a table whose keys can be mapped to integers in a fixed
range, 0 ... num_keys-1, where num_keys
is specified at table-creation time. The
purpose of Bounded_int_table
is to be faster than Hashtbl
in situations where one
is willing to pay a space cost for the speed.
presents a subset of the Hashtbl
interface. The key type can be
any type, but table creation requires a key_to_int
function, which will be used
to extract the integer of all keys. If multiple keys map to the same integer, then
only one of them can be in the table at a time. Any operation that supplies a key
whose corresponding integer is outside the allowed range for the table will cause an
A Bounded_int_table
is implemented using two fixed size arrays of size num_keys
which are supplied at table-creation time. The space used does not depend on the
of the table but rather only on num_keys
. Operations that deal with a
single element (find, mem, add, remove, set) take constant time, and perform one or
two array operations. Operations that deal with all of the keys defined in the table
(data, fold, iter, iter_vals, keys, to_alist) take time proportional to the length
of the table, not num_keys
type ('key, 'data)
type('a, 'b)
table =('a, 'b) t
include Invariant.S2
include Equal.S2
val create : ?sexp_of_key:('key -> Sexp.t) ->
num_keys:int ->
key_to_int:('key -> int) -> unit -> ('key, 'data) t
create ~num_keys ~key_to_int
returns a table where the keys can map to 0
.. num_keys-1, according to key_to_int
. It is an error if num_keys < 0
, if supplied, will be used to display keys in error messages.
val keys : ('key, 'a) t -> 'key list
val data : ('a, 'data) t -> 'data list
val find : ('key, 'data) t -> 'key -> 'data option
val find_exn : ('key, 'data) t -> 'key -> 'data
val find_or_add : ('key, 'data) t -> 'key -> default:(unit -> 'data) -> 'data
val fold : ('key, 'data) t ->
init:'accum -> f:(key:'key -> data:'data -> 'accum -> 'accum) -> 'accum
val iter : ('key, 'data) t ->
f:(key:'key -> data:'data -> unit) -> unit
val iter_vals : ('a, 'data) t -> f:('data -> unit) -> unit
val filter_mapi : ('key, 'data1) t ->
f:(key:'key -> data:'data1 -> 'data2 option) ->
('key, 'data2) t
val filter_map : ('key, 'data1) t ->
f:('data1 -> 'data2 option) -> ('key, 'data2) t
val mapi : ('key, 'data1) t ->
f:(key:'key -> data:'data1 -> 'data2) -> ('key, 'data2) t
val map : ('key, 'data1) t ->
f:('data1 -> 'data2) -> ('key, 'data2) t
val for_alli : ('key, 'data) t ->
f:(key:'key -> data:'data -> bool) -> bool
val existsi : ('key, 'data) t ->
f:(key:'key -> data:'data -> bool) -> bool
val for_all : ('a, 'data) t -> f:('data -> bool) -> bool
val exists : ('a, 'data) t -> f:('data -> bool) -> bool
val length : ('a, 'b) t -> int
val mem : ('key, 'a) t -> 'key -> bool
val remove : ('key, 'a) t -> 'key -> unit
val set : ('a, 'b) t -> key:'a -> data:'b -> unit
val add : ('a, 'b) t ->
key:'a -> data:'b -> [ `Duplicate of 'b | `Ok ]
val add_exn : ('a, 'b) t -> key:'a -> data:'b -> unit
val to_alist : ('key, 'data) t -> ('key * 'data) list
module With_key:functor (
val to_int :t -> int
val t_of_sexp :Sexplib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t :t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val bin_t :t Bin_prot.Type_class.t
val bin_read_t :t Bin_prot.Read.reader
val __bin_read_t__ :(int -> t) Bin_prot.Read.reader
val bin_reader_t :t Bin_prot.Type_class.reader
val bin_size_t :t Bin_prot.Size.sizer
val bin_write_t :t Bin_prot.Write.writer
val bin_writer_t :t Bin_prot.Type_class.writer
) ->
val debug : bool Pervasives.ref
debug := true
to turn on debugging, including potentially slow invariant
checking.val sexp_of_t : ('key -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) ->
('data -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) ->
('key, 'data) t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
create ~num_keys ~key_to_int
returns a table where the keys can map to 0
.. num_keys-1, according to key_to_int
. It is an error if num_keys < 0
, if supplied, will be used to display keys in error messages.
Standard hashtbl functions.
Serialization of a bounded int table using bin_io
or sexp
preserves num_keys
but only takes space proportional to the length
of the table.
set debug := true
to turn on debugging, including potentially slow invariant