Module Iobuf

module Iobuf: Iobuf

include ??
include ??
type (+'data_perm_read_write, +'seek_permission) t 
The first type parameter controls whether the iobuf can be written to. The second type parameter controls whether the window and limits can be changed.

To allow read_write or read_only access, a function's type uses _ rather than read_only as the type argument to t. Analogously, to allow no_seek or seek access, a function's type uses _ rather than no_seek as the type argument to t. Using _ allows the function to be directly applied to either permission. Using a specific permission would require code to use coercion :>.

include Invariant.S2


val create : len:int -> ('a, 'b) t
create ~len creates a new iobuf, backed by a bigstring of length len, with the limits and window set to the entire bigstring.
val of_bigstring : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> Bigstring.t -> ('a, 'b) t
of_bigstring bigstring ~pos ~len returns an iobuf backed by bigstring, with the window and limits specified starting at pos and of length len.
val of_string : string -> ('a, 'b) t
of_string s returns a new iobuf whose contents are s.
val sub : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> ('d, 'a) t -> ('d, 'b) t
sub t ~pos ~len returns a new iobuf with limits and window set to the subrange of t specified by pos and len. sub preserves data permissions, but allows arbitrary seek permissions on the resulting iobuf.
val set_bounds_and_buffer : src:(Common.read_write, 'a) t -> dst:('b, seek) t -> unit
set_bounds_and_buffer ~src ~dst copies bounds (ie limits + window) and shallowly copies the buffer from src to dst. read_write access is required on src because the caller might have read_write access to dst, and would after the call then effectively have read_write access to src.
val set_bounds_and_buffer_sub : ?pos:int ->
?len:int ->
src:(Common.read_write, 'a) t -> dst:('b, seek) t -> unit -> unit
set_bounds_and_buffer_sub ?pos ?len ~src ~dst () is a more efficient version of: set_bounds_and_buffer ~src:(Iobuf.sub ?pos ?len src) ~dst.

set_bounds_and_buffer ~src ~dst is not the same as set_bounds_and_buffer_sub ~dst ~src (), because the limits are narrowed in the latter case.


val capacity : ('a, 'b) t -> int
capacity t returns the size of t's limits subrange. The capacity of an iobuf can be reduced via narrow.
val length : ('a, 'b) t -> int
length t returns the size of t's window.
val is_empty : ('a, 'b) t -> bool
is_empty t is length t = 0.

Changing the limits

val narrow : ('a, seek) t -> unit
narrow t sets t's limits to the current window.

Changing the window

One can call Lo_bound.window t to get a snapshot of the lower bound of the window, and then later restore that snapshot with Lo_bound.restore. This is useful for speculatively parsing, and then rewinding when there isn't enough data to finish.

Similarly for Hi_bound.window and Lo_bound.restore.

Using a snapshot with a different iobuf, even a sub iobuf of the snapshotted one, has unspecified results. An exception may be raised, or a silent error may occur. However, the safety guarantees of the iobuf will not be violated, i.e., the attempt will not enlarge the limits of the subject iobuf.

module type Bound = Bound  with type ('d, 'w) iobuf := ('d, 'w) t
module Lo_bound: Bound 
module Hi_bound: Bound 
val advance : ('a, seek) t -> int -> unit
advance t amount advances the lower bound of the window by amount. It is an error to advance past the upper bound of the window or the lower limit.
val resize : ('a, seek) t -> len:int -> unit
resize t sets the length of t's window, provided it does not exceed limits.
val rewind : ('a, seek) t -> unit
rewind t sets the lower bound of the window to the lower limit.
val reset : ('a, seek) t -> unit
reset t sets the window to the limits.
val flip_lo : ('a, seek) t -> unit
flip_lo t sets the window to range from the lower limit to the lower bound of the old window. This is typically called after a series of Fills, to reposition the window in preparation to Consume the newly written data.

The bounded version narrows the effective limit. This can preserve some data near the limit, such as an hypothetical packet header, in the case of bounded_flip_lo or unfilled suffix of a buffer, in bounded_flip_hi.

val bounded_flip_lo : ('a, seek) t -> Lo_bound.t -> unit
val compact : (Common.read_write, seek) t -> unit
compact t copies data from the window to the lower limit of the iobuf and sets the window to range from the end of the copied data to the upper limit. This is typically called after a series of Consumes to save unread data and prepare for the next series of Fills and flip_lo.
val bounded_compact : (Common.read_write, seek) t -> Lo_bound.t -> Hi_bound.t -> unit
val flip_hi : ('a, seek) t -> unit
flip_hi t sets the window to range from the the upper bound of the current window to the upper limit. This operation is dual to flip_lo and is typically called when the data in the current (narrowed) window has been processed and the window needs to be positioned over the remaining data in the buffer. For example:

      (* ... determine initial_data_len ... *)
      Iobuf.resize buf ~len:initial_data_len;
      (* ... and process initial data ... *)
      Iobuf.flip_hi buf;

Now the window of buf ranges over the remainder of the data.

val bounded_flip_hi : ('a, seek) t -> Hi_bound.t -> unit

Getting and setting data

"consume" and "fill" functions access data at the lower bound of the window and advance lower bound of the window. "peek" and "poke" functions access data but do not advance the window.
val to_string : ?len:int -> ('a, 'b) t -> string
to_string t returns the bytes in t as a string. It does not alter the window.
val consume_into_string : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> ('a, seek) t -> string -> unit
consume_into_string t s ~pos ~len reads len bytes from t, advancing t's window accordingly, and writes them into s starting at pos. By default pos = 0 and len = String.length s - pos. It is an error if pos and len don't specify a valid region of s or len > length t.
val consume_into_bigstring : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> ('a, seek) t -> Bigstring.t -> unit
module Consume: Accessors 
    with type ('a, 'd, 'w) t = ('d, seek) t -> 'a 
    with type 'a bin_prot := 'a Bin_prot.Type_class.reader
Consume.string t ~len reads len characters (all, by default) from t into a new string and advances the lower bound of the window accordingly.
module Fill: Accessors 
    with type ('a, 'd, 'w) t = (read_write, seek) t -> 'a -> unit 
    with type 'a bin_prot := 'a Bin_prot.Type_class.writer
Fill.bin_prot X.bin_write_t t x writes x to t in bin-prot form, advancing past the bytes written.
module Peek: Accessors 
    with type ('a, 'd, 'w) t = ('d, 'w) t -> pos:int -> 'a 
    with type 'a bin_prot := 'a Bin_prot.Type_class.reader
Peek and Poke functions access a value at pos from the lower bound of the window and do not advance.
module Poke: Accessors 
    with type ('a, 'd, 'w) t = (read_write, 'w) t -> pos:int -> 'a -> unit 
    with type 'a bin_prot := 'a Bin_prot.Type_class.writer
Poke.bin_prot X.bin_write_t t x writes x to the beginning of t in binary form without advancing.
module Unsafe: sig .. end
Unsafe has submodules that are like their corresponding module, except with no range checks.
val fill_bin_prot : (Common.read_write, seek) t ->
'a Bin_prot.Type_class.writer -> 'a -> unit Or_error.t
fill_bin_prot writes a bin-prot value to the lower bound of the window, prefixed by its length, and advances by the amount written. fill_bin_prot returns an error if the window is too small to write the value.

consume_bin_prot t reader reads a bin-prot value from the lower bound of the window, which should have been written using fill_bin_prot, and advances the window by the amount read. consume_bin_prot returns an error if there is not a complete message in the window and in that case the window is left unchanged.

val consume_bin_prot : ('b, seek) t -> 'a Bin_prot.Type_class.reader -> 'a Or_error.t
val transfer : ?len:int ->
src:('a, seek) t -> dst:(Common.read_write, seek) t -> unit
transfer blits len bytes from src to dst, advancing the lower bounds of both windows. It is an error if len > length src || len > length dst || phys_equal src dst.
val memmove : (Common.read_write, 'a) t ->
src_pos:int -> dst_pos:int -> len:int -> unit
memmove blits len bytes from src_pos to dst_pos in an iobuf, both relative to the lower bound of the window. The window is not advanced.


val read_assume_fd_is_nonblocking : (Common.read_write, seek) t -> Iobuf_intf.Unix.File_descr.t -> int
Iobuf has analogs of various Bigstring functions. These analogs advance by the amount written/read.
val pread_assume_fd_is_nonblocking : (Common.read_write, seek) t ->
Iobuf_intf.Unix.File_descr.t -> offset:int -> int
val recvfrom_assume_fd_is_nonblocking : (Common.read_write, seek) t ->
Iobuf_intf.Unix.File_descr.t -> int * Iobuf_intf.Unix.sockaddr
val recvmmsg_assume_fd_is_nonblocking : (Iobuf_intf.Unix.File_descr.t ->
?count:int ->
?srcs:Iobuf_intf.Unix.sockaddr array ->
(Common.read_write, seek) t array -> int)
val recvmmsg_assume_fd_is_nonblocking_no_options : (Iobuf_intf.Unix.File_descr.t ->
count:int -> (Common.read_write, seek) t array -> int)
val send_nonblocking_no_sigpipe : unit ->
(('a, seek) t -> Iobuf_intf.Unix.File_descr.t -> int option) Or_error.t
val sendto_nonblocking_no_sigpipe : unit ->
(('a, seek) t ->
Iobuf_intf.Unix.File_descr.t -> Iobuf_intf.Unix.sockaddr -> int option)
val write_assume_fd_is_nonblocking : ('a, seek) t -> Iobuf_intf.Unix.File_descr.t -> int
val pwrite_assume_fd_is_nonblocking : ('a, seek) t -> Iobuf_intf.Unix.File_descr.t -> offset:int -> int
val sexp_of_seek : seek -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val sexp_of_no_seek : no_seek -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val sexp_of_t : ('data_perm_read_write -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) ->
('seek_permission -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) ->
('data_perm_read_write, 'seek_permission) t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
The first type parameter controls whether the iobuf can be written to. The second type parameter controls whether the window and limits can be changed.

To allow read_write or read_only access, a function's type uses _ rather than read_only as the type argument to t. Analogously, to allow no_seek or seek access, a function's type uses _ rather than no_seek as the type argument to t. Using _ allows the function to be directly applied to either permission. Using a specific permission would require code to use coercion :>.


create ~len creates a new iobuf, backed by a bigstring of length len, with the limits and window set to the entire bigstring.

of_bigstring bigstring ~pos ~len returns an iobuf backed by bigstring, with the window and limits specified starting at pos and of length len.

default is 0

default is Bigstring.length bigstring - pos

of_string s returns a new iobuf whose contents are s.

sub t ~pos ~len returns a new iobuf with limits and window set to the subrange of t specified by pos and len. sub preserves data permissions, but allows arbitrary seek permissions on the resulting iobuf.

set_bounds_and_buffer ~src ~dst copies bounds (ie limits + window) and shallowly copies the buffer from src to dst. read_write access is required on src because the caller might have read_write access to dst, and would after the call then effectively have read_write access to src.

set_bounds_and_buffer_sub ?pos ?len ~src ~dst () is a more efficient version of: set_bounds_and_buffer ~src:(Iobuf.sub ?pos ?len src) ~dst.

set_bounds_and_buffer ~src ~dst is not the same as set_bounds_and_buffer_sub ~dst ~src (), because the limits are narrowed in the latter case.


capacity t returns the size of t's limits subrange. The capacity of an iobuf can be reduced via narrow.

length t returns the size of t's window.

is_empty t is length t = 0.

Changing the limits

narrow t sets t's limits to the current window.

Changing the window

One can call Lo_bound.window t to get a snapshot of the lower bound of the window, and then later restore that snapshot with Lo_bound.restore. This is useful for speculatively parsing, and then rewinding when there isn't enough data to finish.

Similarly for Hi_bound.window and Lo_bound.restore.

Using a snapshot with a different iobuf, even a sub iobuf of the snapshotted one, has unspecified results. An exception may be raised, or a silent error may occur. However, the safety guarantees of the iobuf will not be violated, i.e., the attempt will not enlarge the limits of the subject iobuf.

advance t amount advances the lower bound of the window by amount. It is an error to advance past the upper bound of the window or the lower limit.

resize t sets the length of t's window, provided it does not exceed limits.

rewind t sets the lower bound of the window to the lower limit.

reset t sets the window to the limits.

flip_lo t sets the window to range from the lower limit to the lower bound of the old window. This is typically called after a series of Fills, to reposition the window in preparation to Consume the newly written data.

The bounded version narrows the effective limit. This can preserve some data near the limit, such as an hypothetical packet header, in the case of bounded_flip_lo or unfilled suffix of a buffer, in bounded_flip_hi.

compact t copies data from the window to the lower limit of the iobuf and sets the window to range from the end of the copied data to the upper limit. This is typically called after a series of Consumes to save unread data and prepare for the next series of Fills and flip_lo.

flip_hi t sets the window to range from the the upper bound of the current window to the upper limit. This operation is dual to flip_lo and is typically called when the data in the current (narrowed) window has been processed and the window needs to be positioned over the remaining data in the buffer. For example:

      (* ... determine initial_data_len ... *)
      Iobuf.resize buf ~len:initial_data_len;
      (* ... and process initial data ... *)
      Iobuf.flip_hi buf;

Now the window of buf ranges over the remainder of the data.

Getting and setting data

"consume" and "fill" functions access data at the lower bound of the window and advance lower bound of the window. "peek" and "poke" functions access data but do not advance the window.

to_string t returns the bytes in t as a string. It does not alter the window.

consume_into_string t s ~pos ~len reads len bytes from t, advancing t's window accordingly, and writes them into s starting at pos. By default pos = 0 and len = String.length s - pos. It is an error if pos and len don't specify a valid region of s or len > length t.

Consume.string t ~len reads len characters (all, by default) from t into a new string and advances the lower bound of the window accordingly.

Consume.bin_prot X.bin_read_t t returns the initial X.t in t, advancing past the bytes read.

Fill.bin_prot X.bin_write_t t x writes x to t in bin-prot form, advancing past the bytes written.

Peek and Poke functions access a value at pos from the lower bound of the window and do not advance.

Peek.bin_prot X.bin_read_t t returns the initial X.t in t without advancing.

Following the bin_prot protocol, the representation of x is X.bin_size_t x bytes long. Peek., Poke., Consume., and Fill.bin_prot do not add any size prefix or other framing to the bin_prot representation.

Poke.bin_prot X.bin_write_t t x writes x to the beginning of t in binary form without advancing. You can use X.bin_size_t to tell how long it was. X.bin_write_t is only allowed to write that portion of the buffer to which you have access.

Unsafe has submodules that are like their corresponding module, except with no range checks. Hence, mistaken uses can cause segfaults. Be careful!

fill_bin_prot writes a bin-prot value to the lower bound of the window, prefixed by its length, and advances by the amount written. fill_bin_prot returns an error if the window is too small to write the value.

consume_bin_prot t reader reads a bin-prot value from the lower bound of the window, which should have been written using fill_bin_prot, and advances the window by the amount read. consume_bin_prot returns an error if there is not a complete message in the window and in that case the window is left unchanged.

transfer blits len bytes from src to dst, advancing the lower bounds of both windows. It is an error if len > length src || len > length dst || phys_equal src dst.

default is min (length src) (length dst)

memmove blits len bytes from src_pos to dst_pos in an iobuf, both relative to the lower bound of the window. The window is not advanced.


Iobuf has analogs of various Bigstring functions. These analogs advance by the amount written/read.