Module Rpc.Implementations

module Implementations: sig .. end

type 'connection_state t 
A 'connection_state Implementations.t is something which knows how to respond to many different queries. It is conceptually a package of 'connection_state Implementation.t's.
val null : unit -> 'connection_state t
a server that can handle no queries
val create : implementations:'connection_state Rpc.Implementation.t list ->
on_unknown_rpc:[ `Call of rpc_tag:string -> version:int -> unit
| `Ignore
| `Raise ] ->
('connection_state t,
[ `Duplicate_implementations of Rpc.Implementation.Description.t list ])
create ~implementations ~on_unknown_rpc creates a server capable of responding to the rpc's implemented in the implementation list.
val create_exn : implementations:'connection_state Rpc.Implementation.t list ->
on_unknown_rpc:[ `Call of rpc_tag:string -> version:int -> unit
| `Ignore
| `Raise ] ->
'connection_state t