Module Display_units

module Display_units: sig .. end
A module internal to Core_bench. Please look at Bench.

Abstracts the representation, choice and scaling of units for each variable.

A module internal to Core_bench. Please look at Bench.

Abstracts the representation, choice and scaling of units for each variable.

type t = 
| Words
| Time
| Gc
| Cycles
| Count
| Percentage
val display_minimum : t -> float
module Magnitude: sig .. end
val is_displayed : show_all_values:bool -> t -> Core.Std.Float.t -> bool
val is_displayed_opt : show_all_values:bool -> t -> Core.Std.Float.t option -> bool
val to_string : show_all_values:bool ->
t ->
Magnitude.t ->
Core.Std.Float.t -> Textutils.Std.Console.Ansi.attr list * string
val to_ci_string : show_all_values:bool ->
t ->
Magnitude.t ->
Core.Std.Float.t * Core.Std.Float.t ->
Textutils.Std.Console.Ansi.attr list * string
val to_string_opt : show_all_values:bool ->
t ->
Magnitude.t ->
Core.Std.Float.t option -> Textutils.Std.Console.Ansi.attr list * string

A module internal to Core_bench. Please look at Bench.

Abstracts the representation, choice and scaling of units for each variable.