Module Bench_command

module Bench_command: sig .. end
A module internal to Core_bench. Please look at Bench.

Generates the command line interface to Core_bench.

type callback_bench = ?run_config:Run_config.t ->
?analysis_configs:Analysis_config.t list ->
?display_config:Display_config.t ->
?save:(Measurement.t -> string) -> Test.t list -> unit
type callback_load_analyze_and_display = filenames:string list ->
?analysis_configs:Analysis_config.t list ->
?display_config:Display_config.t -> unit -> unit
val make : bench:callback_bench ->
analyze:callback_load_analyze_and_display ->
tests:Test.t list -> Core.Std.Command.t
val make_ext : summary:string ->
extra_spec:('a, unit -> unit) Core.Std.Command.Spec.t ->
f:(Analysis_config.t list * Display_config.t *
[ `From_file of string list
| `Run of (Measurement.t -> string) option * Run_config.t ] -> 'a) ->