Module type Number.Verified_std

module type Verified_std = sig .. end
Signature of standard numbers (Int.t, Int32.t, Int63.t Int64.t, Nativeint.t, Float.t) to enrich them with Pos.t, Pos0.t, Neg.t, and Neg0.t modules, and the Make_bounded and Make_bounded_unsafe functors.

type repr 
module type S = Number.S  with type repr = repr
module type S0 = Number.S0  with type repr = repr
module Pos: S  with type t = private repr
Positive and negative numbers with and without zero.
module Pos0: S0  with type t = private repr
module Neg: S  with type t = private repr
module Neg0: S0  with type t = private repr
module type Bounded_spec = sig .. end
Specification of bounded numbers
module type Bounded = sig .. end
Signature of bounded numbers
module Make_bounded: 
functor (Spec : Bounded_spec) -> Bounded with type t = private repr
Functor of creating bounded numbers

Unsafe modules and functors that still fully expose the representation for extensibility.
module Pos_unsafe: S  with type t = repr
module Pos0_unsafe: S0  with type t = repr
module Neg_unsafe: S  with type t = repr
module Neg0_unsafe: S0  with type t = repr
module Make_bounded_unsafe: 
functor (Spec : Bounded_spec) -> Bounded with type t = repr