Module Timing_wheel_intf.S.Config

module Config: sig .. end

type t 
include Invariant.S
val create : ?alarm_precision:Time.Span.t ->
?level_bits:Timing_wheel_intf.S.Level_bits.t ->
unit -> t
create raises if alarm_precision <= 0.
val alarm_precision : t -> Time.Span.t
val level_bits : t -> Timing_wheel_intf.S.Level_bits.t
val default : t
default is create ().
val durations : t -> Time.Span.t list
durations t returns the durations of the levels in t
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t

create raises if alarm_precision <= 0.


default is create ().

durations t returns the durations of the levels in t