Module Reader0

module Reader0: sig .. end

module Read_ml: Bin_prot.Read_ml
module Type_class: Bin_prot.Type_class
module Unix: Unix_syscalls
module Id: Core.Std.Unique_id.Int63(sig
module Read_result: sig .. end
module Internal: sig .. end
include struct ... end
val sexp_of_t : Internal.t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
include struct ... end
val sexp_of_read_one_chunk_at_a_time_result : 'a.
('a -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) ->
'a read_one_chunk_at_a_time_result -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
include struct ... end
val close : Internal.t -> unit Import.Ivar.Deferred.t
val close_finished : Internal.t -> unit Import.Ivar.Deferred.t
val create : ?buf_len:int -> Fd.t -> Internal.t
val fd : Internal.t -> Fd.t
val id : Internal.t -> Id.t
val invariant : Internal.t -> unit
val io_stats : Io_stats.t
val is_closed : Internal.t -> bool
val last_read_time : Internal.t -> Core.Std.Time.t
val of_in_channel : Core.Std.In_channel.t -> Fd.Kind.t -> Internal.t
val open_file : ?close_on_exec:bool ->
?buf_len:int -> string -> Internal.t Async_core.Deferred.t
val stdin : Internal.t lazy_t
val with_close : Internal.t ->
f:(unit -> 'a Async_core.Deferred.t) -> 'a Async_core.Deferred.t
val with_file : ?buf_len:int ->
?exclusive:bool ->
string ->
f:(Internal.t -> 'a Async_core.Deferred.t) ->
'a Async_core.Deferred.t
val use : Internal.t -> unit
val finished_read : Internal.t -> unit
val do_read : Internal.t ->
(unit -> 'a Async_core.Deferred.t) -> 'a Async_core.Deferred.t
val read : Internal.t ->
?pos:int ->
?len:int ->
Core.Std.Substring.base ->
[> `Eof | `Ok of Core.Std.Int.t ] Async_core.Deferred.t
val read_char : Internal.t -> [> `Eof | `Ok of char ] Async_core.Deferred.t
val read_substring : Internal.t ->
Core.Std.Substring.t ->
[> `Eof | `Ok of Core.Std.Int.t ] Async_core.Deferred.t
val read_bigsubstring : Internal.t ->
Core.Std.Bigsubstring.t ->
[> `Eof | `Ok of Core.Std.Int.t ] Async_core.Deferred.t
val read_one_chunk_at_a_time : Internal.t ->
handle_chunk:(Core.Std.Bigstring.t Core.Std.sexp_opaque ->
pos:int ->
len:int ->
[< `Consumed of
int * [< `Need of int | `Need_unknown ] &
int * [< `Need of int | `Need_unknown ]
| `Continue
| `Stop of 'a
| `Stop_consumed of 'a * int ]
Import.Deferred.t) ->
[> `Eof | `Eof_with_unconsumed_data of string | `Stopped of 'a ]
val really_read : Internal.t ->
?pos:int ->
?len:int ->
Core.Std.Substring.base -> [> `Eof of int | `Ok ] Async_core.Deferred.t
val really_read_substring : Internal.t ->
Core.Std.Substring.t -> [> `Eof of int | `Ok ] Async_core.Deferred.t
val really_read_bigsubstring : Internal.t ->
Core.Std.Bigsubstring.t -> [> `Eof of int | `Ok ] Async_core.Deferred.t
val read_line : Internal.t ->
[> `Eof | `Ok of Core.Std.String.t ] Async_core.Deferred.t
val really_read_line : wait_time:Core.Std.Time.Span.t ->
Internal.t -> Core.Std.String.t option Async_core.Deferred.t
val do_read_k : Internal.t ->
(('a Core.Std.Or_error.t -> unit) -> unit) ->
('a -> 'b) -> 'b Import.Deferred.t
val read_until : Internal.t ->
[< `Char of char | `Pred of char -> bool ] ->
keep_delim:bool ->
[> `Eof | `Eof_without_delim of string | `Ok of string ] Import.Deferred.t
val read_until_max : Internal.t ->
[< `Char of char | `Pred of char -> bool ] ->
keep_delim:bool ->
max:int ->
[> `Eof
| `Eof_without_delim of string
| `Max_exceeded of string
| `Ok of string ]
val read_sexp : ?parse_pos:Core.Std.Sexp.Parse_pos.t ->
Internal.t -> [> `Eof | `Ok of Core.Std.Sexp.t ] Import.Deferred.t
val read_sexps : ?parse_pos:Core.Std.Sexp.Parse_pos.t ->
Internal.t -> Core.Std.Sexp.t Import.Pipe.Reader.t
val read_bin_prot : ?max_len:Core.Std.Int.t ->
Internal.t ->
'a Type_class.reader -> [> `Eof | `Ok of 'a ] Import.Deferred.t
val read_marshal_raw : Internal.t ->
[> `Eof | `Ok of Core.Std.String.t ] Async_core.Deferred.t
val read_marshal : Internal.t -> [> `Eof | `Ok of 'a ] Async_core.Deferred.t
val recv : Internal.t ->
[> `Eof | `Ok of Core.Std.String.t ] Async_core.Deferred.t
val read_all : Internal.t ->
(Internal.t -> [< `Eof | `Ok of 'a ] Async_core.Deferred.t) ->
'a Import.Pipe.Reader.t
val lines : Internal.t -> Core.Std.String.t Import.Pipe.Reader.t
val contents : Internal.t -> string Async_core.Deferred.t
val file_contents : string -> string Async_core.Deferred.t
val file_lines : string -> Core.Std.String.t list Async_core.Deferred.t
val transfer : Internal.t ->
(string, Import.Pipe.Writer.phantom) Import.Pipe.t -> unit Import.Deferred.t
val lseek : Internal.t ->
int64 -> mode:[< `Cur | `End | `Set ] -> int64 Async_core.Deferred.t
val convert : string ->
(Sexplib.Type.t -> 'a) ->
Core.Std.Sexp.Annotated.t -> ('a, Core.Std.Error.t) Core.Std._result
val gen_load : ?exclusive:bool ->
string ->
(Core.Std.Sexp.t list -> 'a Core.Std.Or_error.t) ->
(Core.Std.Sexp.Annotated.t list -> 'a Core.Std.Or_error.t) ->
'a Core_kernel.Or_error.t Async_core.Deferred.t
val load_sexp : ?exclusive:bool ->
string ->
(Core.Std.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> 'a Core_kernel.Or_error.t Async_core.Deferred.t
val load_sexp_exn : ?exclusive:bool ->
string -> (Core.Std.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> 'a Async_core.Deferred.t
val load_sexps : ?exclusive:bool ->
string ->
(Core.Std.Sexp.t -> 'a) ->
'a Core.Std.List.t Core_kernel.Or_error.t Async_core.Deferred.t
val load_sexps_exn : ?exclusive:bool ->
string -> (Core.Std.Sexp.t -> 'a) -> 'a Core.Std.List.t Async_core.Deferred.t
val pipe : Internal.t -> string Import.Pipe.Reader.t