Module Std_kernel.Univ_map

module Univ_map: Univ_map

type t 
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
module Key: sig .. end
val set : t -> 'a Key.t -> 'a -> t
val mem : t -> 'a Key.t -> bool
val find : t -> 'a Key.t -> 'a option
val find_exn : t -> 'a Key.t -> 'a
val add : t -> 'a Key.t -> 'a -> [ `Duplicate | `Ok of t ]
val add_exn : t -> 'a Key.t -> 'a -> t
val change : t -> 'a Key.t -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> t
val change_exn : t -> 'a Key.t -> ('a -> 'a) -> t
module With_default: sig .. end
keys with associated default values, so that find is no longer partial
module With_fold: sig .. end
keys that map to an accumulator value with an associated fold operation
module Multi: sig .. end
list-accumulating keys with a default value of the empty list
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t

create name to_sexp generates a fresh key. Note: If type 'a doesn't support sexp conversion, then a good practice is to use sexp_of_opaque as the converter.

keys with associated default values, so that find is no longer partial

keys that map to an accumulator value with an associated fold operation

list-accumulating keys with a default value of the empty list