Module Std_kernel.Univ

module Univ: Univ

module Constr: sig .. end
A Constr.t represents a single constructor in the extensible variant type.
type t 
val constr_name : t -> string
val create : 'a Constr.t -> 'a -> t
val does_match : t -> 'a Constr.t -> bool
does_match t constr returns true iff t was created by create constr v.
val match_ : t -> 'a Constr.t -> 'a option
match_ t constr returns Some v if t was created by create constr v, and returns None otherwise.

match_exn t constr returns v if t was created by create constr v, and raises otherwise.

val match_exn : t -> 'a Constr.t -> 'a
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t

does_match t constr returns true iff t was created by create constr v.

match_ t constr returns Some v if t was created by create constr v, and returns None otherwise.

match_exn t constr returns v if t was created by create constr v, and raises otherwise.