Module type Iobuf_intf.Accessors

module type Accessors = sig .. end
A collection of iobuf access functions. This abstracts over Iobuf.Consume, Iobuf.Fill, Iobuf.Peek, and Iobuf.Poke.

type ('a, 'd, 'w) t 
('d, 'w) Iobuf.t accessor function manipulating 'a, either writing it to the iobuf or reading it from the iobuf.
val char : (char, 'd, 'w) t
val int8 : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int16_be : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int16_le : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int32_be : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int32_le : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val uint8 : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val uint16_be : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val uint16_le : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val uint32_be : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val uint32_le : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int64_be : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int64_le : (int, 'd, 'w) t
val int64_t_be : (Int64.t, 'd, 'w) t
val int64_t_le : (Int64.t, 'd, 'w) t
val padded_fixed_string : padding:char -> len:int -> (string, 'd, 'w) t
val string : ?str_pos:int -> ?len:int -> (string, 'd, 'w) t
val bigstring : ?str_pos:int -> ?len:int -> (Bigstring.t, 'd, 'w) t