Module Monitor

module Monitor: sig .. end
A monitor is a context that determines what to do when there is an unhandled exception. Every Async computation runs within the context of some monitor, which, when the computation is running, is referred to as the "current" monitor. Monitors are arranged in a tree -- when a new monitor is created, it is a child of the current monitor.

One can listen to a monitor using Monitor.errors to learn when the monitor sees an error.

If a computation raises an unhandled exception, the current monitor does one of two things. If anyone is listening to the monitor (i.e. Monitor.errors has been called on the monitor), then the error stream is extended, and the listeners are responsible for doing something. If no one is "listening" to the monitor, then the exception is raised to monitor's parent. The initial monitor, i.e. the root of the monitor tree, prints an unhandled-exception message and calls exit 1.

**************** NOTE ABOUT THE TOPLEVEL MONITOR ****************

It is important to note that in the toplevel monitor, exceptions will only be caught in the async part of a computation. For example, in:

      upon (f ()) g

if f raises, the exception will not go to a monitor; it will go to the next caml exception handler on the stack. Any exceptions raised by g will be caught by the scheduler and propagated to the toplevel monitor. Because of this it is advised to always use Scheduler.schedule or Scheduler.within. For example:

      Scheduler.within (fun () -> upon (f ()) g)

This code will catch an exception in either f or g, and propagate it to the monitor.

This is only relevant to the toplevel monitor because if you create another monitor and you wish to run code within it you have no choice but to use Scheduler.within. try_with creates its own monitor and uses Scheduler.within, so it does not have this problem.

type t = Raw_monitor.t 
type 'a with_optional_monitor_name = ?here:Core.Std.Source_code_position.t ->
?info:Core.Std.Info.t -> ?name:string -> 'a
val create : (unit -> t) with_optional_monitor_name
create () returns a new monitor whose parent is the current monitor.
val name : t -> Core.Std.Info.t
name t returns the name of the monitor, or a unique id if no name was supplied to create.
val current : unit -> t
current () returns the current monitor
val errors : t -> exn Tail.Stream.t
errors t returns a stream of all subsequent errors that monitor t sees.
val error : t -> exn Deferred.t
error t returns a deferred that becomes defined if the monitor ever sees an error. Calling error t does not count as "listening for errors", and if no one has called errors t to listen, then errors will still be raised up the monitor tree.
val extract_exn : exn -> exn
extract_exn exn extracts the exn from an error exn that comes from a monitor. If it is not supplied such an error exn, it returns the exn itself.
val has_seen_error : t -> bool
has_seen_error t returns true iff the monitor has ever seen an error.
val send_exn : t -> ?backtrace:[ `Get | `This of string ] -> exn -> unit
send_exn t exn ?backtrace sends the exception exn as an error to be handled monitor t. By default, the error will not contain a backtrace. However, the caller can supply one using `This, or use `Get to request that send_exn obtain one using Exn.backtrace ().
val try_with : (?extract_exn:bool ->
?run:[ `Now | `Schedule ] ->
?rest:[ `Ignore | `Raise ] ->
(unit -> 'a Deferred.t) -> ('a, exn) Core.Std.Result.t Deferred.t)
try_with f runs f () in a monitor and returns the result as Ok x if f finishes normally, or returns Error e if there is some error. It either runs f now, if run = `Now, or schedules a job to run f, if run = `Schedule. Once a result is returned, the rest of the errors raised by f are ignored or re-raised, as per rest. try_with never raises synchronously, and may only raise asynchronously with rest = `Raise.

The name argument is used to give a name to the monitor the computation will be running in. This name will appear when printing errors.

If extract_exn = true, then in an Error exn result, the exn will be the actual exception raised by the computation. If extract_exn = false, then the exn will include additional information, like the monitor and backtrace. One typically wants extract_exn = false due to the additional information. However, sometimes one wants the concision of extract_exn = true.

val try_with_rest_handling : [ `Default of [ `Ignore | `Raise ] | `Force of [ `Ignore | `Raise ] ]
try_with_rest_handling determines how try_with f ~rest determines the rest value it actually uses. If !try_with_rest_handling = `Default d, then d is the default value for rest, but can be overriden by supplying rest to try_with. If !try_with_rest_handling = Force f, then the rest supplied to try_with is not used, and f is.

Initially, !try_with_rest_handling = `Default `Ignore.

val try_with_ignored_exn_handling : [ `Eprintf | `Ignore | `Run of exn -> unit ] Pervasives.ref
try_with_ignored_exn_handling describes what should happen when try_with's rest value is `Ignore, as determined by !try_with_rest_handling and the ~rest supplied to try_with.

Initially, !try_with_ignored_exn_handling = `Ignore.

val handle_errors : ((unit -> 'a Deferred.t) -> (exn -> unit) -> 'a Deferred.t)
handle_errors ?name f handler runs f () inside a new monitor with the optionally supplied name, and calls handler error on every error raised to that monitor. Any error raised by handler goes to the monitor in effect when handle_errors was called.
val catch_stream : ((unit -> unit) -> exn Tail.Stream.t) with_optional_monitor_name
catch_stream ?name f runs f () inside a new monitor m and returns the stream of errors raised to m.
val catch : ((unit -> unit) -> exn Deferred.t) with_optional_monitor_name
catch ?name f runs f () inside a new monitor m and returns the first error raised to m.
val protect : ((unit -> 'a Deferred.t) ->
finally:(unit -> unit Deferred.t) -> 'a Deferred.t)
protect f ~finally runs f () and then finally regardless of the success or failure of f. It re-raises any exception thrown by f or returns whatever f returned.

The name argument is used to give a name to the monitor the computation will be running in. This name will appear when printing the errors.

val main : t
val kill : t -> unit
kill t causes t and all of t's descendants to never start another job. The job that calls kill will complete, even if it is a descendant of t.

kill can break user expectations. For example, users expect in protect f ~finally that finally will eventually run. However, if the monitor in which finally would run is killed, then finally will never run.

val is_alive : t -> bool
is_alive t returns true iff none of t or its ancestors have been killed.
module Exported_for_scheduler: sig .. end
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t

create () returns a new monitor whose parent is the current monitor.

name t returns the name of the monitor, or a unique id if no name was supplied to create.

current () returns the current monitor

errors t returns a stream of all subsequent errors that monitor t sees.

error t returns a deferred that becomes defined if the monitor ever sees an error. Calling error t does not count as "listening for errors", and if no one has called errors t to listen, then errors will still be raised up the monitor tree.

extract_exn exn extracts the exn from an error exn that comes from a monitor. If it is not supplied such an error exn, it returns the exn itself.

has_seen_error t returns true iff the monitor has ever seen an error.

send_exn t exn ?backtrace sends the exception exn as an error to be handled monitor t. By default, the error will not contain a backtrace. However, the caller can supply one using `This, or use `Get to request that send_exn obtain one using Exn.backtrace ().

try_with f runs f () in a monitor and returns the result as Ok x if f finishes normally, or returns Error e if there is some error. It either runs f now, if run = `Now, or schedules a job to run f, if run = `Schedule. Once a result is returned, the rest of the errors raised by f are ignored or re-raised, as per rest. try_with never raises synchronously, and may only raise asynchronously with rest = `Raise.

The name argument is used to give a name to the monitor the computation will be running in. This name will appear when printing errors.

If extract_exn = true, then in an Error exn result, the exn will be the actual exception raised by the computation. If extract_exn = false, then the exn will include additional information, like the monitor and backtrace. One typically wants extract_exn = false due to the additional information. However, sometimes one wants the concision of extract_exn = true.

try_with_rest_handling determines how try_with f ~rest determines the rest value it actually uses. If !try_with_rest_handling = `Default d, then d is the default value for rest, but can be overriden by supplying rest to try_with. If !try_with_rest_handling = Force f, then the rest supplied to try_with is not used, and f is.

Initially, !try_with_rest_handling = `Default `Ignore.

try_with_ignored_exn_handling describes what should happen when try_with's rest value is `Ignore, as determined by !try_with_rest_handling and the ~rest supplied to try_with.

Initially, !try_with_ignored_exn_handling = `Ignore.

handle_errors ?name f handler runs f () inside a new monitor with the optionally supplied name, and calls handler error on every error raised to that monitor. Any error raised by handler goes to the monitor in effect when handle_errors was called.

catch_stream ?name f runs f () inside a new monitor m and returns the stream of errors raised to m.

catch ?name f runs f () inside a new monitor m and returns the first error raised to m.

protect f ~finally runs f () and then finally regardless of the success or failure of f. It re-raises any exception thrown by f or returns whatever f returned.

The name argument is used to give a name to the monitor the computation will be running in. This name will appear when printing the errors.

kill t causes t and all of t's descendants to never start another job. The job that calls kill will complete, even if it is a descendant of t.

kill can break user expectations. For example, users expect in protect f ~finally that finally will eventually run. However, if the monitor in which finally would run is killed, then finally will never run.

is_alive t returns true iff none of t or its ancestors have been killed.