Module Iobuf_intf

module Iobuf_intf: sig .. end
A collection of iobuf access functions. This abstracts over Iobuf.Consume, Iobuf.Fill, Iobuf.Peek, and Iobuf.Poke.

val __pa_ounit_275876e34cf609db118f3d84b799a790 : string
module type Accessors = sig .. end
A collection of iobuf access functions.
module Unix: Core_unix

A collection of iobuf access functions. This abstracts over Iobuf.Consume, Iobuf.Fill, Iobuf.Peek, and Iobuf.Poke.

('d, 'w) Iobuf.t accessor function manipulating 'a, either writing it to the iobuf or reading it from the iobuf.