Module Pa_type_conv

module Pa_type_conv: sig .. end
Pa_type_conv: Preprocessing Module for Registering Type Conversions

Generator registration

val set_conv_path_if_not_set : Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.Loc.t -> unit
set_conv_path_if_not_set loc sets the path to the file/module being converted for improved error messages.
val get_conv_path : unit -> string
get_conv_path ()
Returns the name to module containing a type as required for error messages.
val add_generator : ?is_exn:bool ->
string ->
(bool -> Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.ctyp -> Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.str_item) -> unit
add_generator ?is_exn name gen adds the code generator gen, which maps type or exception declarations to structure items, where is_exn specifies whether the declaration is an exception. Note that the original type/exception declarations get added automatically in any case.
is_exn : = false
val add_generator_with_arg : ?is_exn:bool ->
string ->
'a Camlp4.PreCast.Gram.Entry.t ->
('a option -> bool -> Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.ctyp -> Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.str_item) ->
add_generator_with_arg ?is_exn name entry generator same as add_generator, but the generator may accept an argument, which is parsed with entry.
val rm_generator : ?is_exn:bool -> string -> unit
rm_generator ?is_exn name removes the code generator named name for types if is_exn is false, or exceptions otherwise.
is_exn : = false
val add_sig_generator : ?delayed:bool ->
?is_exn:bool ->
string ->
(bool -> Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.ctyp -> Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.sig_item) -> unit
add_sig_generator ?delayed ?is_exn name gen adds the code generator gen, which maps type or exception declarations to signature items, where is_exn specifies whether the declaration is an exception. Note that the original type/exception declarations get added automatically in any case. If delayed is set to true, the output of this generator is appended to the signature in which it's defined
delayed : = false
is_exn : = false
val add_sig_generator_with_arg : ?delayed:bool ->
?is_exn:bool ->
string ->
'a Camlp4.PreCast.Gram.Entry.t ->
('a option -> bool -> Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.ctyp -> Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.sig_item) ->
add_sig_generator_with_arg ?delayed ?is_exn name entry generator same as add_sig_generator, but the generator may accept an argument, which is parsed with entry.
val rm_sig_generator : ?is_exn:bool -> string -> unit
rm_sig_generator ?is_exn name removes the signature code generator named name for types if is_exn is false, or exceptions otherwise.
is_exn : = false
type record_field_generator = Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.ctyp -> unit 
Type of record field code generators
val add_record_field_generator : string -> record_field_generator -> unit
add_record_field_generator gen_name gen adds the record field code generator gen with name gen_name, which acts on the location identifiying the record field.
val add_record_field_generator_with_arg : string ->
'a Camlp4.PreCast.Gram.Entry.t ->
('a option -> record_field_generator) -> unit
add_record_field_generator_with_arg name entry generator same as add_record_field_generator, but the generator takes an argument, which is parsed with entry. If None is passed to the generator, parsing of the argument failed, otherwise Some arg will be passed, where arg is the successfully parsed argument.
val rm_record_field_generator : string -> unit
rm_record_field_generator name removes the record field code generator named name.

Generator sets registration

val add_sig_set : ?is_exn:bool -> string -> set:string list -> unit
add_sig_set ?is_exn id ~set adds the generator id to the list of generators for signatures. This generator will behave as if is all the generators from set had been given instead. Any duplicate arising from repeatedly expanding such generators are removed. If is_exn, then it is a generator for exception declaration, or else it is a generator for type declaration.
val add_str_set : ?is_exn:bool -> string -> set:string list -> unit
add_str_set ?is_exn id ~set behaves exactly like add_sig_set ?is_exn id ~set but for structure items instead of signatures items.
val add_set : kind:[ `Both | `Sig | `Str ] ->
is_exn:[ `Both | `No | `Yes ] -> string -> set:string list -> unit
add_set ~kind ~is_exn id ~set is a shorthand for doing multiple calls to add_str_set and add_sig_set

Utility functions

val get_loc_err : Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.Loc.t -> string -> string
get_loc_err loc msg generates a compile-time error message.
val hash_variant : string -> int
hash_variant str
Returns the integer encoding a variant tag with name str.

General purpose code generation module

module Gen: sig .. end

Utility functions to rewrite type definitions

module Rewrite_tds: sig .. end