Module Throttle

module Throttle: sig .. end
Throttles to limit the number of concurrent computations.

A throttle is essentially a pipe to which one can feed jobs.

A throttle schedules asynchronous jobs so that at any given point in time no more than max_concurrent_jobs jobs are running. A job f is considered to be running from the time f () is executed until the deferred returned by f () becomes determined, or f () raises. The throttle intiates jobs first-come first-served.

One can use create_with to create a throttle with "resources" that one would like to make available to concurrent jobs and to guarantee that different jobs access different resources.

A throttle "dies" if one of its jobs throws an exception, and the throttle has continue_on_error = false. If a throttle dies, then all jobs in it that haven't yet started will be aborted, i.e. they will not start and will become determined with `Aborted. Jobs that had already started will continue, and return `Ok or `Raised as usual when they finish. Attempts to enqueue a job into a dead throttle will fail.

type ('a, 'kind) t_ 
We use a phantom type to distinguish between throttles, which have max_concurrent_jobs >= 1, and sequencers, which have max_concurrent_jobs = 1. All operations are available on both. We make the distinction because it is sometimes useful to know from the type of a throttle that it is a sequencer and that at most one job can be running at a time.
type 'a t = ('a, [ `throttle ]) t_ 
include Invariant.S1
val create : continue_on_error:bool -> max_concurrent_jobs:int -> unit t
create ~continue_on_error ~max_concurrent_jobs returns a throttle that will run up to max_concurrent_jobs concurrently.

If some job raises an exception, then the throttle will stop, unless continue_on_error is true.

val create_with : continue_on_error:bool -> 'a list -> 'a t
create_with ~continue_on_error job_resources returns a throttle that will run up to List.length job_resources concurrently, and will ensure that all running jobs are supplied distinct elements of job_resources.
type 'a outcome = [ `Aborted | `Ok of 'a | `Raised of exn ] 
val enqueue' : ('a, 'c) t_ ->
('a -> 'b Deferred.t) -> 'b outcome Deferred.t
enqueue t job schedules job to be run as soon as possible. Jobs are guaranteed to be started in the order they are enqueued.

enqueue raises an exception if the throttle is dead.

val enqueue : ('a, 'c) t_ -> ('a -> 'b Deferred.t) -> 'b Deferred.t
val prior_jobs_done : ('a, 'b) t_ -> unit Deferred.t
prior_jobs_done t becomes determined when all of the jobs that were previously enqueued in t have completed.
val max_concurrent_jobs : ('a, 'b) t_ -> int
max_concurrent_jobs t returns the maximum number of jobs that t will run concurrently.
val num_jobs_running : ('a, 'b) t_ -> int
num_jobs_running t returns the number of jobs that t is currently running. It is guaranteed that if num_jobs_running t < max_concurrent_jobs t then num_jobs_waiting_to_start t = 0. That is, the throttle always uses its maximum concurrency if possible.
val num_jobs_waiting_to_start : ('a, 'b) t_ -> int
num_jobs_waiting_to_start t returns the number of jobs that have been enqueued but have not yet started.
val capacity_available : ('a, 'b) t_ -> unit Deferred.t
capacity_available t becomes determined the next time that t has fewer than max_concurrent_jobs t running, and hence an enqueued job would start immediately.
module Sequencer: sig .. end
A sequencer is a throttle that is specialized to only allow one job at a time and to, by default, not continue on error.
val sexp_of_t_ : ('a -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) ->
('kind -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> ('a, 'kind) t_ -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> 'a t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t

create ~continue_on_error ~max_concurrent_jobs returns a throttle that will run up to max_concurrent_jobs concurrently.

If some job raises an exception, then the throttle will stop, unless continue_on_error is true.

create_with ~continue_on_error job_resources returns a throttle that will run up to List.length job_resources concurrently, and will ensure that all running jobs are supplied distinct elements of job_resources.

enqueue t job schedules job to be run as soon as possible. Jobs are guaranteed to be started in the order they are enqueued.

enqueue raises an exception if the throttle is dead.

prior_jobs_done t becomes determined when all of the jobs that were previously enqueued in t have completed.

max_concurrent_jobs t returns the maximum number of jobs that t will run concurrently.

num_jobs_running t returns the number of jobs that t is currently running. It is guaranteed that if num_jobs_running t < max_concurrent_jobs t then num_jobs_waiting_to_start t = 0. That is, the throttle always uses its maximum concurrency if possible.

num_jobs_waiting_to_start t returns the number of jobs that have been enqueued but have not yet started.

capacity_available t becomes determined the next time that t has fewer than max_concurrent_jobs t running, and hence an enqueued job would start immediately.

A sequencer is a throttle that is specialized to only allow one job at a time and to, by default, not continue on error.