Index of values

__pa_ounit_275876e34cf609db118f3d84b799a790 [Std]
__pa_ounit_275876e34cf609db118f3d84b799a790 [Tuple_type_intf]
__pa_ounit_275876e34cf609db118f3d84b799a790 [Timing_wheel_intf]
__pa_ounit_275876e34cf609db118f3d84b799a790 [Pool_intf]
__pa_ounit_275876e34cf609db118f3d84b799a790 [Import]
__pa_ounit_275876e34cf609db118f3d84b799a790 [Flat_tuple_array_debug]
_squelch_unused_module_warning_ [Import]

add [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
add t ~key value adds a new value to t and returns an element that can later be supplied to remove the element from t.
add [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
add t ~at a adds a new value a to t and returns an alarm that can later be supplied to remove the alarm from t.
advance_clock [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
advance_clock t ~to_ ~handle_fired advances t's clock to to_.
alarm_precision [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
alarm_upper_bound [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
alarm_upper_bound t returns the upper bound on an at that can be supplied to add.
at [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Alarm]
In all Alarm functions, one must supply the timing wheel that the alarm was added to.

blit [Obj_array]
blit is like Array.blit, except it uses our own for-loop to avoid caml_modify when possible.

capacity [Pool_intf.S]
capacity returns the maximum number of tuples that the pool can hold.
check_field [Import]
check_invariant [Timing_wheel_intf.Timing_wheel.Debug]
check_invariant [Pool_intf.Pool.Debug]
check_invariant [Import.Debug]
concat [Import]
create [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
create ?level_bits ~dummy () creates a new empty timing wheel, t, with length t = 0 and min_allowed_key t = 0.
create [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
create ~start ~alarm_precision ~dummy () creates a new timing wheel with current time start.
create [Pool_intf.S]
create slots ~capacity ~dummy creates an empty pool that can hold up to capacity N-tuples.
create [Obj_array]
create ~len returns an obj-array of length len, all of whose indices have value Obj.repr 0.
create [Flat_tuple_array_debug.Debug]
create [Flat_tuple_array]
create slots ~len init creates an array of len tuples, each initialized to init.
create_exn [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Level_bits]
In create_exn bits, it is an error if any of the b_i in bits has b_i <= 0, or if the sum of the b_i in bits is greater than max_num_bits.

debug [Import.Debug]
debug [Flat_tuple_array_debug.Debug]
debug_get [Flat_tuple_array_debug.Debug]
debug_set [Flat_tuple_array_debug.Debug]
default [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Level_bits]
default returns the default value of level_bits used by Timing_wheel.create and Timing_wheel.Priority_queue.create.
does_fail [Import]
durations [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Level_bits]
durations t ~alarm_precision returns the durations of the levels in t, assuming that each interval has duration alarm_precision.

empty [Obj_array]
equal [Tuple_type_intf.Slot]

free [Pool_intf.S]
free t pointer frees the tuple pointed to by pointer from t.

get [Pool_intf.S]
get t pointer slot gets slot of the tuple pointed to by pointer in pool t.
get [Obj_array]
get [Flat_tuple_array_debug.Debug]
get [Flat_tuple_array]
get t i slot returns tuple i's slot.
get_tuple [Pool_intf.S]
get_tuple t pointer allocates an OCaml tuple isomorphic to the pool t's tuple pointed to by pointer.
get_tuple [Flat_tuple_array_debug.Debug]
get_tuple [Flat_tuple_array]
get_tuple t i allocates an OCaml tuple isomorphic to the tuple at index i in t.
grow [Pool_intf.S]
grow t ~capacity returns a new pool t' with the supplied capacity.

id_of_pointer [Pool_intf.S]
id_of_pointer t pointer is an integer which is unique for the lifetime of a tuple in the pool.
increase_min_allowed_key [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
increase_min_allowed_key t ~key ~handle_removed increases the minimum allowed key in t to key, and removes all elements with keys less than key, applying handle_removed to each element that is removed.
interval_start [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
interval_start t time returns the time at the start of the half-open interval containing time, i.e.
invariant [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue.Elt]
invariant [Import]
invariant [Flat_tuple_array_debug.Debug]
is_empty [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
is_empty t is length t = 0
is_empty [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
One can think of a timing wheel as a set of alarms.
is_error [Import]
is_full [Pool_intf.S]
is_full t returns true if no more tuples can be allocated in t.
is_null [Pool_intf.S.Pointer]
is_ok [Import]
iter [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
iter [Timing_wheel_intf.S]

key [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue.Elt]
key [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Alarm]

length [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
length t returns the number of elements in the timing wheel.
length [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
length [Pool_intf.S]
length returns the number of tuples currently in the pool.
length [Obj_array]
length [Flat_tuple_array_debug.Debug]
length [Flat_tuple_array]
log [Import]
log_string [Import]

max_allowed_key [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
max_allowed_key t is the maximum allowed key that can be stored in t.
max_num_bits [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Level_bits]
max_representable_key [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
To avoid issues with arithmetic overflow, the implementation restricts keys to being between 0 and max_representable_key, where:
min_allowed_key [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
min_allowed_key t is the minimum key that can be stored in t.
min_elt [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
min_elt t returns an element in t that has the minimum key, if t is nonempty.
min_key [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]

new1 [Pool_intf.S]
new<N> t a0 ... a<N-1> returns a new tuple from the pool, with the tuple's slots initialized to a0 ...
new2 [Pool_intf.S]
new3 [Pool_intf.S]
new4 [Pool_intf.S]
new5 [Pool_intf.S]
new6 [Pool_intf.S]
new7 [Pool_intf.S]
new8 [Pool_intf.S]
new9 [Pool_intf.S]
next_alarm_fires_at [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
next_alarm_fires_at t returns the minimum time to which the clock can be advanced such that an alarm will fire, or None if t has no alarms.
now [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
null [Pool_intf.S.Pointer]
The null pointer is a distinct pointer that does not correspond to a tuple in the pool.
num_bits [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Level_bits]
num_bits t is the sum of the b_i in t.

phys_equal [Pool_intf.S.Pointer]
pointer_is_valid [Pool_intf.S]
pointer_is_valid t pointer returns true iff pointer points to a tuple in t, i.e.
pointer_of_id [Pool_intf.S]
pointer_of_id t pointer returns the pointer with this identifier.

remove [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
remove t elt removes elt from t.
remove [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
remove t alarm removes alarm from t.

set [Pool_intf.S]
set t pointer slot a sets to a the slot of the tuple pointed to by pointer in pool t.
set [Obj_array]
set [Flat_tuple_array_debug.Debug]
set [Flat_tuple_array]
set t i slot a sets tuple i's slot to a.
sexp_of_t [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue.Elt]
sexp_of_t [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
sexp_of_t [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Level_bits]
sexp_of_t [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Alarm]
sexp_of_t [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
sexp_of_t [Pool_intf.S.Pointer]
sexp_of_t [Pool_intf.S]
sexp_of_t [Flat_tuple_array_debug.Debug]
sexp_of_t [Tuple_type_intf.Slot]
sexp_of_t [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
sexp_of_t [Flat_tuple_array]
sexp_of_t1 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
sexp_of_t2 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
sexp_of_t3 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
sexp_of_t4 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
sexp_of_t5 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
sexp_of_t6 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
sexp_of_t7 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
sexp_of_t8 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
sexp_of_t9 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
show_messages [Timing_wheel_intf.Timing_wheel.Debug]
show_messages [Pool_intf.Pool.Debug]
show_messages [Import.Debug]
singleton [Obj_array]
slots_per_tuple [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
start [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
sub [Obj_array]
sub t ~pos ~len returns a new array containing the len elements of t starting at pos.

t0 [Tuple_type_intf.Slot]
t1 [Tuple_type_intf.Slot]
t1 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t2 [Tuple_type_intf.Slot]
t2 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t3 [Tuple_type_intf.Slot]
t3 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t4 [Tuple_type_intf.Slot]
t4 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t5 [Tuple_type_intf.Slot]
t5 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t6 [Tuple_type_intf.Slot]
t6 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t7 [Tuple_type_intf.Slot]
t7 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t8 [Tuple_type_intf.Slot]
t8 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t9 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t_of_sexp [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Level_bits]
truncate [Obj_array]
truncate t ~len shortens t's length to len.

unsafe_blit [Obj_array]
unsafe_get [Pool_intf.S]
unsafe_get [Obj_array]
unsafe_get [Flat_tuple_array_debug.Debug]
unsafe_get [Flat_tuple_array]
unsafe_set [Pool_intf.S]
unsafe_set [Obj_array]
unsafe_set [Flat_tuple_array_debug.Debug]
unsafe_set [Flat_tuple_array]
unsafe_set_assuming_currently_int [Obj_array]
unsafe_set_assuming_currently_int t i obj sets index i of t to obj, but only works correctly if Obj.is_int (get t i).
unsafe_set_int_assuming_currently_int [Obj_array]

value [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue.Elt]
value [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Alarm]