Module Flat_tuple_array

module Flat_tuple_array: Flat_tuple_array

module Slots: Tuple_type.Slots 
module Slot: Tuple_type.Slot 
type 'slots t 
The type of a flat tuple array. 'slots will look like ('a1, ..., 'an), and the array holds tuples of type 'a1 * ... * 'an.
include Invariant.S1
val create : ('tuple, 'a) Slots.t ->
len:int -> 'tuple -> ('tuple, 'a) Slots.t t
create slots ~len init creates an array of len tuples, each initialized to init. create raises if len < 0.
val length : 'a t -> int
val get : ('b, 'v) Slots.t t -> int -> ('v, 'a) Slot.t -> 'a
get t i slot returns tuple i's slot.
val unsafe_get : ('b, 'v) Slots.t t -> int -> ('v, 'a) Slot.t -> 'a
val set : ('b, 'v) Slots.t t -> int -> ('v, 'a) Slot.t -> 'a -> unit
set t i slot a sets tuple i's slot to a.
val unsafe_set : ('b, 'v) Slots.t t -> int -> ('v, 'a) Slot.t -> 'a -> unit
val get_tuple : ('tuple, 'a) Slots.t t -> int -> 'tuple
get_tuple t i allocates an OCaml tuple isomorphic to the tuple at index i in t.
val sexp_of_t : ('slots -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> 'slots t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t

create slots ~len init creates an array of len tuples, each initialized to init. create raises if len < 0.

get t i slot returns tuple i's slot.

set t i slot a sets tuple i's slot to a.

get_tuple t i allocates an OCaml tuple isomorphic to the tuple at index i in t.