Module type Flags_intf.Make_arg

module type Make_arg = sig .. end

val known : (Flags_intf.Int63.t * string) list
An entry flag, name in known means that the bit(s) in flag is (are) called name; i.e. if bit_and flags flag = flag, then the bit(s) is (are) set and name will appear in sexp_of_t flags. known is only used to make sexp_of_t's output human readable.

The flags in the output of sexp_of_t will occur in the same order as they appear in known.

It is allowed to have a single flag with multiple bits set.

It is an error if different flags intersect, and allow_intersecting = false.

val allow_intersecting : bool
allow_intersecting says whether to allow intersecting known flags. It is common to do allow_intersecting = false, however in some situations, e.g. Unix open flags, the flags intersect.
val should_print_error : bool
should_print_error says whether to print an error message if there is an error in the known flags. It is typical to use should_print_error = true because Flags.Make is applied at the module level, where the exception raised isn't displayed nicely.