module Type_equal: Type_equal
type ('_, '_)
t =
| |
T : |
type('a, 'b)
equal =('a, 'b) t
gets shadowed belowval refl : ('a, 'a) t
, sym
, and trans
construct proofs that type equality is reflexive,
symmetric, and transitive.val sym : ('a, 'b) t -> ('b, 'a) t
val trans : ('a, 'b) t -> ('b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
val conv : ('a, 'b) t -> 'a -> 'b
conv t x
uses the type equality t : (a, b) t
as evidence to safely cast x
from type a
to type b
. conv
is semantically just the identity function.
In a program that has t : (a, b) t
where one has a value of type a
that one wants
to treat as a value of type b
, it is often sufficient to pattern match on
rather than use conv
. However, there are situations where OCaml's
type checker will not use the type equality a = b
, and one must use conv
. For
module F (M1 : sig type t end) (M2 : sig type t end) : sig
val f : (M1.t, M2.t) equal -> M1.t -> M2.t
end = struct
let f equal (m1 : M1.t) = conv equal m1
If one wrote the body of F
using pattern matching on T
let f (T : (M1.t, M2.t) equal) (m1 : M1.t) = (m1 : M2.t)
this would give a type error.
val detuple2 : ('a1 * 'a2, 'b1 * 'b2) t ->
('a1, 'b1) t * ('a2, 'b2) t
and detuple2
convert between equality on a 2-tuple and its components.val tuple2 : ('a1, 'b1) t ->
('a2, 'b2) t -> ('a1 * 'a2, 'b1 * 'b2) t
module type Injective =sig
is an interface that states that a type is injective, where the type is
viewed as a function from types to other types.
module type Injective2 =sig
is for a binary type that is injective in both type arguments.
module Composition_preserves_injectivity:
is a functor that proves that composition of
injective types is injective.
module Id:sig
provides identifiers for types, and the ability to test (via Id.same
) at
run-time if two identifiers are equal, and if so to get a proof of equality of their