Module type Core_map_intf.Creators

module type Creators = sig .. end

type ('k, 'v, 'comparator) t 
type ('k, 'v, 'comparator) tree 
type 'k key 
type ('a, 'comparator, 'z) options 
val empty : ('k, 'comparator, ('k, 'a, 'comparator) t)
the empty map
val singleton : ('k, 'comparator,
'k key ->
'v -> ('k, 'v, 'comparator) t)
map with one key, data pair
val of_sorted_array : ('k, 'comparator,
('k key * 'v) array ->
('k, 'v, 'comparator) t Or_error.t)
creates map from sorted array of key-data pairs. The input array must be sorted, as given by the relevant comparator (either in ascending or descending order), and must not contain any duplicate keys. If either of these conditions do not hold, an error is returned.
val of_sorted_array_unchecked : ('k, 'comparator,
('k key * 'v) array ->
('k, 'v, 'comparator) t)
Like of_sorted_array except behavior is undefined when an Error would have been returned.
val of_alist : ('k, 'comparator,
('k key * 'v) list ->
[ `Duplicate_key of 'k key
| `Ok of ('k, 'v, 'comparator) t ])
creates map from association list with unique keys
val of_alist_exn : ('k, 'comparator,
('k key * 'v) list ->
('k, 'v, 'comparator) t)
creates map from association list with unique keys. Raises an exception if duplicate 'a keys are found.
val of_alist_multi : ('k, 'comparator,
('k key * 'v) list ->
('k, 'v list, 'comparator) t)
creates map from association list with possibly repeated keys.
val of_alist_fold : ('k, 'comparator,
('k key * 'v1) list ->
init:'v2 ->
f:('v2 -> 'v1 -> 'v2) -> ('k, 'v2, 'comparator) t)
combines an association list into a map, folding together bound values with common keys
val of_tree : ('k, 'comparator,
('k key, 'v, 'comparator) tree ->
('k, 'v, 'comparator) t)