Module Async_or_error

module Async_or_error: sig .. end
This module is the deferred analog of Core.Or_error. It is exposed in as Deferred.Or_error.

The mental model for a function returning an 'a Deferred.Or_error.t is that the function never raises. All error cases are caught and expressed as an Error _ result. This module preserves that property.

Unfortunately, there is no way to enforce this property using the type system, so it is more like a convention, or idiom. A function whose type ends with ... -> 'a Deferred.Or_error.t and still raises should be considered broken, and be fixed. With that property in mind, Deferred.Or_error.List.iter, for example, does not wrap the execution of the given iter function f inside a monitor. If one of these application raises, the whole function Deferred.Or_error.List.iter will raise as a way to try to alert the developer that one the function is broken and needs attention and fixing, rather than silently catching the error and converting it to Or_error.Error.

This behavior is consistent with Core.Or_error's treatment of user-supplied functions.

If you have to deal with a function that does not respect this idiom, you can use Deferred.Or_error.try_with_join to wrap its execution and enforce this property.

type 'a t = 'a Core.Std.Or_error.t Deferred.t 
include Monad.S
val return : 'ok -> 'ok t
val fail : Core.Std.Error.t -> 'a t
val of_exn : exn -> 'a t
val failwith : string -> 'a t
val ok_unit : unit t
val never : unit -> 'a t
val try_with : ?name:string -> f:('arg -> 'a Deferred.t) -> 'arg -> 'a t
This interface is more generic than unit -> 'a Deferred.t. Various use cases:

      Or_error.try_with ~f:fct arg
      Or_error.try_with () ~f:(fun () -> ...)
      let f_or_exn = Or_error.try_with ~f

The label is essentially there to inverse the order with unit if the body of the function is big.

val try_with_join : ?name:string ->
f:('arg -> 'a t) -> 'arg -> 'a t
module List: Deferred_intf.Monad_sequence 
  with type 'a monad := 'a t 
  with type 'a t := 'a list