module Char: sig
.. end
Character operations.
t = char
An alias for the type of characters.
include Stringable.S
include Comparable.S
include Hashable.S
val to_int : t -> int
Return the ASCII code of the argument.
val of_int : int -> t option
Return the character with the given ASCII code or None
is the argument is outside
the range 0 to 255.
val of_int_exn : int -> t
Return the character with the given ASCII code. Raise Failure
if the argument is
outside 0 to 255.
val unsafe_of_int : int -> t
val escaped : t -> string
Return a string representing the given character, with special characters escaped
following the lexical conventions of Objective Caml.
val lowercase : t -> t
Convert the given character to its equivalent lowercase character.
val uppercase : t -> t
Convert the given character to its equivalent uppercase character.
val is_digit : t -> bool
'0' - '9'
val is_lowercase : t -> bool
'a' - 'z'
val is_uppercase : t -> bool
'A' - 'Z'
val is_alpha : t -> bool
'a' - 'z' or 'A' - 'Z'
val is_alphanum : t -> bool
'a' - 'z' or 'A' - 'Z' or '0' - '9'
val is_print : t -> bool
' ' - '~'
val is_whitespace : t -> bool
' ' or '\t' or '\r' or '\n'
val get_digit : t -> int option
Return Some i
if is_digit c
and None
val get_digit_exn : t -> int
Return i
if is_digit c
. Raises Failure
val min_value : t
val max_value : t
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val bin_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.t
val bin_read_t : t Bin_prot.Read_ml.reader
val bin_read_t_ : t Bin_prot.Unsafe_read_c.reader
val bin_read_t__ : (int -> t) Bin_prot.Unsafe_read_c.reader
val bin_reader_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.reader
val bin_size_t : t Bin_prot.Size.sizer
val bin_write_t : t Bin_prot.Write_ml.writer
val bin_write_t_ : t Bin_prot.Unsafe_write_c.writer
val bin_writer_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.writer