Module Map

module Map: sig .. end
This module defines the Map module for Core.Std. We use "core_map" as the file name rather than "map" to avoid conflicts with OCaml's standard map module. In this documentation, we use Map to mean this module, not the OCaml standard one.

Map is a functional datastructure (balanced binary tree) implementing finite maps over a totally-ordered domain, called a "key". The map types and operations appear in three places:

| Map | polymorphic map operations | | Map.Poly | maps that use polymorphic comparison to order keys | | Key.Map | maps with a fixed key type that use to order keys |

One should use Map for functions that access existing maps, like find, mem, add, fold, iter, and to_alist. For functions that create maps, like empty, singleton, and of_alist, one should strive to use the corresponding Key.Map function, which will use the comparison function specifically for Key. As a last resort, if one does not have easy access to a comparison function for the keys in one's map, use Map.Poly to create the map. This will use OCaml's built-in polymorphic comparison to compare keys, which has all the usual performance and robustness problems that entails.

For the specification of the actual map operations, read Core_map_intf. The accessor functions are defined in Accessors, and the creation functions are defined in Creators. The code in this mli instantiates those signatures to specify the operations in Map, Map.Poly, and Key.Map.

Parallel to the three kinds of map modules, there are also tree modules Map.Tree, Map.Poly.Tree, and Key.Map.Tree. A tree is a bare representation of a map, without the comparator. Thus tree operations need to obtain the comparator from somewhere. For Map.Poly.Tree and Key.Map.Tree, the comparator is implicit in the module name. For Map.Tree, the comparator must be passed to each operation. The main advantages of trees over maps are slightly improved space usage (there is no outer container holding the comparator) and the ability to marshal trees, because a tree doesn't contain a closure, unlike a map. The main disadvantages of using trees are needing to be more explicit about the comparator, and the possibility of accidental use of polymorphic equality on a tree (for which maps dynamically detect failure due to the presence of a closure in the data structure).

For a detailed explanation of the interface design, read on.

An instance of the map type is determined by the types of the map's keys and values, and the comparison function used to order the keys:

| type ('key, 'value, 'comparator) Map.t

The 'comparator is a phantom type uniquely identifying the comparison function, as generated by Comparator.Make.

Map.Poly supports arbitrary key and value types, but enforces that the comparison function used to order the keys is polymorphic comparison. Key.Map has a fixed key type and comparison function, and supports arbitrary values.

| type ('key, 'value) Map.Poly.t = ('key , 'value, Comparator.Poly.t) Map.t | type 'value Key.Map.t = (Key.t, 'value, Key.comparator ) Map.t

The same map operations exist in Map, Map.Poly, and Key.Map, albeit with different types. For example:

| val Map.length : (_, _, _) Map.t -> int | val Map.Poly.length : (_, _) Map.Poly.t -> int | val Key.Map.length : _ Key.Map.t -> int

Because Map.Poly.t and Key.Map.t are exposed as instances of the more general Map.t type, one can use Map.length on any map. The same is true for all of the functions that access an existing map, such as add, change, find, fold, iter, map, to_alist, etc.

Rather than write the type for each accessor functions three times, we define a single module type, Accessors, in, with generic "map" and "key" types, t and key, and a generic type specification for each accessor function such that each of the three specific types is an instance of the generic type specification. So, Accessors defines the generic types with:

| type ('k, 'v, 'comparator) t (* generic map type *) | type 'k key (* generic key type *)

And, for example, to specify iter, Accessors has the following:

| val iter : ('k, 'v, _) t -> f:(key:'k key -> data:'v -> unit) -> unit

In this interface for Map, we instantiate Accessors in three different ways to obtain the signatures for Map, Map.Poly, and Key.Map.

| | ('k, 'v, 'comparator) t | type 'k key | |----------+-------------------------+-------------| | Map | ('k, 'v, 'comparator) t | 'k | | Map.Poly | ('k, 'v) Map.Poly.t | 'k | | Key.Map | 'v Key.Map.t | Key.t |

For iter, one can check that this gives the following types:

| val Map.iter : ('k, 'v, _) t -> f:(key:'k -> data:'v -> unit) -> unit | val Map.Poly.iter : ('k, 'v) Map.Poly.t -> f:(key:'k -> data:'v -> unit) -> unit | val Key.Map.iter : ('k, 'v, _) Key.Map.t -> f:(key:Key.t -> data:'v -> unit) -> unit

Technically, the instantiation of Accessors is done using the with type ... := ... syntax. For example, here is the essence of how the accessors for Key.Map are specified, a fragment of the S signature defined in

| module type S = sig | module Key : Comparator.S | type +'v t | type ('k, 'v, 'comparator) t_ = 'v t | type 'a key_ = Key.t | include Accessors | with type ('a, 'b, 'c) t := ('a, 'b, 'c) t_ | with type 'a key := 'a key_ | end

The syntax is unfortunately unnecessarily verbose, because OCaml doesn't allow the use of a type expression on the right-hand-side of a :=. So, we first define single-use types t_ and key_ to be equal to what we would like to write on the right-hand-side of the :=. We then instantiate Accessors with the single-use types.

We use the same approach for functions that create maps, like empty, singleton, and of_alist. In, we define a generic Creators signature, and instantiate it three times here. There is one additional twist with Creators. For Map.Poly and Key.Map, the comparison function to order keys in the map is clear from the module being used: polymorphic comparison for Map.Poly and for Key.Map. However, for Map, there is no unambiguous comparison function. So, the creation functions in Map require one to be passed in. In order to make all three creation functions instances of the same generic type, Creators uses a generic options type to factor out the difference. So, in Creators we have

| type ('k, 'v, 'comparator) t | type 'k key | type ('a, 'comparator, 'z) options | val of_alist | : ('k, | 'comparator, | ('k key * 'v) list -> `Ok of ('k, 'v, 'comparator) t | | `Duplicate_key of 'k key | | ) options

And then in Map.Poly and Key.Map we instantiate options with without_comparator, while in Map we instantiate it with with_comparator, which are defined as:

| type ('a, 'comparator, 'z) without_comparator = 'z | | type ('a, 'comparator, 'z) with_comparator = | comparator:('a, 'comparator) Comparator.t -> 'z

For example, this makes the type of the three of_alist functions as follows:

| val Map.of_alist | : comparator:('a, 'comparator) Comparator.t | -> ('k * 'v) list | -> `Ok of ('k, 'v, 'comparator) Map.t | `Duplicate_key of 'k | | val Map.Poly.of_alist | : ('k * 'v) list | -> `Ok of ('k, 'v) Map.Poly.t | `Duplicate_key of 'k | | val Key.Map.of_alist | : (Key.t * 'v) list | -> `Ok of 'v Key.Map.t | `Duplicate_key of Key.t

type ('key, +'value, 'comparator) t 
type ('a, 'b, 'c) t_ = ('a, 'b, 'c) t 
type ('key, +'value, 'comparator) tree 
type 'a key = 'a 
type ('a, 'b, 'c) options = ('a, 'b, 'c) Core_map_intf.with_comparator 
include Creators
include Accessors
val comparator : ('a, 'b, 'comparator) t -> ('a, 'comparator) Comparator.t
module Poly: sig .. end 
  with type ('a, 'b, 'c) tree = ('a, 'b, 'c) tree
module type Key = Core_map_intf.Key
module type Key_binable = Core_map_intf.Key_binable
module type S = S 
  with type ('a, 'b, 'c) map  = ('a, 'b, 'c) t 
  with type ('a, 'b, 'c) tree = ('a, 'b, 'c) tree
module type S_binable = S_binable 
  with type ('a, 'b, 'c) map  = ('a, 'b, 'c) t 
  with type ('a, 'b, 'c) tree = ('a, 'b, 'c) tree
module Make: 
functor (Key : Key) -> S with type Key.t = Key.t
module Make_using_comparator: 
functor (Key : Comparator.S) -> S with type Key.t = Key.t with type Key.comparator = Key.comparator
module Make_binable: 
functor (Key : Key_binable) -> S_binable with type Key.t = Key.t
module Make_binable_using_comparator: 
functor (Key : Comparator.S_binable) -> S_binable with type Key.t = Key.t with type Key.comparator = Key.comparator
module Tree: sig .. end