Module Tcp_file.Client

module Client: sig .. end

type t 
module Error: sig .. end
module Message: sig .. end
module Response: sig .. end
val connect : host:string ->
port:int ->
(t, Core.Std.Exn.t) Core.Std.Result.t Import.Deferred.t
val disconnect : t -> unit Import.Deferred.t
val read : t ->
string -> Response.t Import.Pipe.Reader.t Import.Deferred.t
read t filename provides a pipe that will be filled with messages from filename starting from the beginning, and continuing until the server calls unlink or close. The client can indicate that it is no longer interested by calling Pipe.close_reader.
val tail : t ->
string -> Response.t Import.Pipe.Reader.t Import.Deferred.t
tail t filename same as read, but delivers messages starting at some unspecified point near the current end of the file and continuing until the server calls unlink or close. The client can indicate that it is no longer interested by calling Pipe.close_reader.