Module Weekday

module Weekday: Weekday

type t 
include Binable.S
include Hashable.S
include Sexpable.S
include Comparable.S
include Stringable.S
of_string s accepts three-character abbreviations with any capitalization
val invariant : t -> unit
val sun : t
val mon : t
val tue : t
val wed : t
val thu : t
val fri : t
val sat : t
type variant = [ `Fri | `Mon | `Sat | `Sun | `Thu | `Tue | `Wed ] 
val get : t -> variant
val create : variant -> t

conversion between ints and weekdays uses the same mapping as Unix.tm_wday. 0 <-> Sun, ... 6 <-> Sat
val of_int : int -> t option
of_int i returns i'th weekday if i is in 0,1,...,6. Otherwise it returns None.
val of_int_exn : int -> t
of_int_exn i should have i in 0,1,...,6 and returns the i'th weekday.
val to_int : t -> int
to_int t returns an int in 0,1,...6.
val shift : t -> int -> t
shift t i goes forward (or backward) the specified number of weekdays
val is_sun_or_sat : t -> bool
is_sun_or_sat returns true if t is Sunday or Saturday