Module Month

module Month: Month

type t 
include Binable.S
include Comparable.S
include Hashable.S
include Sexpable.S
include Stringable.S
of_string s accepts three-character abbreviations with any capitalization
val invariant : t -> unit
val jan : t
val feb : t
val mar : t
val apr : t
val may : t
val jun : t
val jul : t
val aug : t
val sep : t
val oct : t
val nov : t
val dec : t
val all : t list
type variant = [ `Apr
| `Aug
| `Dec
| `Feb
| `Jan
| `Jul
| `Jun
| `Mar
| `May
| `Nov
| `Oct
| `Sep ]
val get : t -> variant
val create : variant -> t
val of_int : int -> t option
of_int i returns i'th month if i is in 1,2,...,12. Otherwise it returns None.
val of_int_exn : int -> t
of_int_exn i should have i in 1,2,...,12 and returns the i'th month.
val to_int : t -> int
to_int t returns an int in 1,2,...12.
val shift : t -> int -> t
shift t i goes forward (or backward) the specified number of months