Module Int_conversions

module Int_conversions: sig .. end
Takes an int represented as a string ((-|+)?0-9+) and puts delimiter every 3 digits starting from the right.

type 'a int_spec = {
   name :string;
   num_bits :int;
   max :'a;
   min :'a;
   to_string :'a -> string;
   compare :'a -> 'a -> int;
val convert : 'a int_spec ->
'b int_spec ->
('a -> 'c) -> ('b -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'c option) * ('a -> 'c)
val compare_int : int -> int -> int
val int : int int_spec
val int32 : Int32.t int_spec
val int64 : Int64.t int_spec
val nativeint : Nativeint.t int_spec
val int_to_int64 : int -> int64
val int_to_nativeint : int -> nativeint
val int32_to_int64 : int32 -> int64
val int32_to_nativeint : int32 -> nativeint
val nativeint_to_int64 : nativeint -> int64
val insert_delimiter : string -> delimiter:char -> string
Takes an int represented as a string ((-|+)?0-9+) and puts delimiter every 3 digits starting from the right.
val insert_underscores : string -> string
Takes an int represented as a string ((-|+)?0-9+) and puts underscores every 3 digits starting from the right.
val sexp_of_int_style : [ `No_underscores | `Underscores ] Pervasives.ref
module Make (I : sig
type t 
val to_string : t -> string
end) : sig .. end