Module Hash_set

module Hash_set: Hash_set

type 'a t 
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> 'a t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
include Creators
include Accessors
module type Elt = Hashtbl.Key
module type S = S          with type 'a hash_set = 'a t
module type S_binable = S_binable  with type 'a hash_set = 'a t
module Poly: sig .. end  with type 'a t = 'a t
module Make (Elt : Elt) : S  with type elt = Elt.t
module Make_binable (Elt : sig
include Hash_set.Elt
include Binable.S
end) : S_binable with type elt = Elt.t