Module Core_set_intf

module Core_set_intf: sig .. end
if res = partition_tf set ~f then fst res are the elements on which f produced true, and snd res are the elements on which f produces false

module type Elt = Comparator.Pre
module type Elt_binable = Comparator.Pre_binable
module type Accessors = sig .. end
type ('key, 'comparator, 'z) create_options_without_comparator = ('key, 'comparator, 'z) Core_map_intf.create_options_without_comparator 
type ('key, 'comparator, 'z) create_options_with_comparator = ('key, 'comparator, 'z) Core_map_intf.create_options_with_comparator 
module type Creators = sig .. end
module type S = sig .. end
module type S_binable = sig .. end