Module File_descr_watcher

module File_descr_watcher: sig .. end
File_descr_watcher provides an API for interacting with select-like functionality for watching a set of file descriptors to see if they are available for reading or writing.

The functions in File_descr_watcher are not thread-safe, with the exception of thread_safe_check.

type ('a, 'watching) t 
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) ->
('watching -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) ->
('a, 'watching) t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val invariant : ('a, 'b) t -> unit
val create : num_file_descrs:int -> ('a, 'b) t
create ~num_file_descrs creates a new file-descr-watcher that is able to watch file descriptors in
 [0, num_file_descrs) 
module State: sig .. end
A file descriptor being monitored by a file_descr_watcher is in one of two states: Watching or Stop_requested.
val state : ('a, 'watching) t ->
Core.Unix.File_descr.t ->
Read_write.Key.t -> 'watching State.t option
state t file_descr read_or_write returns Some state with the state of file_descr if it is monitored by t, or None if not.
val iter : ('a, 'watching) t ->
f:(Read_write.Key.t -> 'watching State.t -> 'a -> unit) ->
iter t ~f iterates over all the file descriptors being watched by t, supplying them to f along with their state and whether they are read/write.
val request_start_watching : ('a, 'watching) t ->
Core.Unix.File_descr.t ->
'a -> 'watching -> Read_write.Key.t -> [ `Already_watching | `Ok ]
request_start_watching t file_descr a watching read_or_write requests that t start watching file_descr to see if it is available for reading or writing, depending on the value of read_or_write. The value a is associated with file_descr and later returned by post_check when the file descriptor is ready to read/write, or is bad, or is no longer being watched. The value watching is associated with file_descr and is made available via other API calls when file_descr is in the Watching state.
val request_stop_watching : ('a, 'watching) t ->
Core.Unix.File_descr.t ->
Read_write.Key.t -> [ `Ok of 'watching | `Was_not_watching ]
request_stop_watching t file_descr read_or_write requests that t stop watching file_descr for reading or writing, according to read_or_write. The value associated with file_descr will be returned in no_longer_watching by the next call to post_check.
type 'a pre 
pre_check t returns the set of file descriptors that are being watched by t, in preparation for the system call that checks their status. pre_check does not side effect t.
val pre_check : ('a, 'b) t -> 'a pre
type 'a check_result 
thread_safe_check t pre ~timeout checks the file descriptors in pre for their status and returns when at least one is available, or the timeout passes. thread_safe_check does not side effect t. Unlike the rest of the functions in this module, thread_safe_check is thread safe.
val thread_safe_check : ('a, 'b) t ->
'a pre ->
timeout:float -> 'a check_result
type ('a, 'watching) post = {
   ready :('a * 'watching) list;
   bad :('a * 'watching) list;
   no_longer_watching :'a list;
post_check t check_result returns information about the status of file descriptors. For every value that occurs in post, in any of its fields, post_check will cause t to no longer watch its associated file descriptor for the corresponding read/write.

If post_check returns `Retry, then select was interrupted and produced no information. Clients should do pre_check, thread_safe_check, and post_check again.

val post_check : ('a, 'watching) t ->
'a check_result ->
[ `Ok of ('a, 'watching) post Read_write.t | `Retry ]