Module Events

module Events: sig .. end
Events is for keeping a set of events that need to happen in the future. One can add and remove events, and update the time to find out the events that need to happen.

module Event: sig .. end
type 'a t 
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> 'a t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val invariant : 'a t -> unit
val create : now:Core.Std.Time.t -> 'a t
val iter : 'a t -> f:('a Event.t -> unit) -> unit
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val now : 'a t -> Core.Std.Time.t
val advance_clock : 'a t -> to_:Core.Std.Time.t -> [ `Not_in_the_future | `Ok of 'a list ]
advance_clock t ~to_ advances the clock to to_, and returns `Ok values, with values for all events in t with at <= to_.

advance_clock returns `Not_in_the_future if Time.(<=) to_ (now t)

val add : 'a t ->
at:Core.Std.Time.t -> 'a -> [ `Not_in_the_future | `Ok of 'a Event.t ]
add t ~at value adds a new event e to t with the specified value, and returns `Ok e. add returns `Not_in_the_future if Time.(<=) at (now t).
val remove : 'a t -> 'a Event.t -> [ `Not_present | `Removed ]
remove t event removes event from t and returns `Removed, if event is present in t, else it returns `Not_present.
val next_upcoming : 'a t -> 'a Event.t option
next_upcoming t returns the next upcoming event in t, if any.