--- a/typing/parmatch.ml
+++ b/typing/parmatch.ml
@@@@@@@@@@ -39,16 +39,132 @@@@@@@@@@
  let rec omegas i =
    if i <= 0 then [] else omega :: omegas (i-1)
  let omega_list l = List.map (fun _ -> omega) l
  let zero = make_pat (Tpat_constant (Const_int 0)) Ctype.none Env.empty
+|(* Coherence check *)
+|(* For some of the operations we do in this module, we would like (because it
+|   simplifies matters) to assume that patterns appearing on a given column in a
+|   pattern matrix are /coherent/ (think "of the same type").
+|   Unfortunately that is not always true.
+|   Consider the following (well-typed) example:
+|   {[
+|     type _ t = S : string t | U : unit t
+|     let f (type a) (t1 : a t) (t2 : a t) (a : a) =
+|       match t1, t2, a with
+|       | U, _, () -> ()
+|       | _, S, "" -> ()
+|   ]}
+|   Clearly the 3rd column contains incoherent patterns.
+|   On the example above, most of the algorithms will explore the pattern matrix
+|   as illustrated by the following tree:
+|   {v
+|                                                   S
+|                                                -------> | "" |
+|                             U     | S, "" | __/         | () |
+|                         --------> | _, () |   \  ¬ S
+|        | U, _, () | __/                        -------> | () |
+|        | _, S, "" |   \
+|                        ---------> | S, "" | ----------> | "" |
+|                           ¬ U                    S
+|   v}
+|   where following an edge labelled by a pattern P means "assuming the value I
+|   am matching on is filtered by [P] on the column I am currently looking at,
+|   then the following submatrix is still reachable".
+|   Notice that at any point of that tree, if the first column of a matrix is
+|   incoherent, then the branch leading to it can only be taken if the scrutinee
+|   is ill-typed.
+|   In the example above the only case where we have a matrix with an incoherent
+|   first column is when we consider [t1, t2, a] to be [U, S, ...]. However such
+|   a value would be ill-typed, so we can never actually get there.
+|   Checking the first column at each step of the recursion and making the
+|   concious decision of "aborting" the algorithm whenever the first column
+|   becomes incoherent, allows us to retain the initial assumption in later
+|   stages of the algorithms.
+|   ---
+|   N.B. two patterns can be considered coherent even though they might not be of
+|   the same type.
+|   That's in part because we only care about the "head" of patterns and leave
+|   checking coherence of subpatterns for the next steps of the algorithm:
+|   ('a', 'b') and (1, ()) will be deemed coherent because they are both a tuples
+|   of arity 2 (we'll notice at a later stage the incoherence of 'a' and 1).
+|   But also because it can be hard/costly to determine exactly whether two
+|   patterns are of the same type or not (eg. in the example above with _ and S,
+|   but see also the module [Coherence_illustration] in
+|   testsuite/tests/basic-more/robustmatch.ml).
+|   For the moment our weak, loosely-syntactic, coherence check seems to be
+|   enough and we leave it to each user to consider (and document!) what happens
+|   when an "incoherence" is not detected by this check.
+|let first_column_is_coherent matrix =
+|  match
+|    List.find (fun (col1, _) ->
+|      match col1.pat_desc with
+|      | Tpat_var _ | Tpat_alias _ | Tpat_or _ -> assert false
+|      | Tpat_any -> false
+|      | _ -> true
+|    ) matrix
+|  with
+|  | exception Not_found ->
+|    (* only omegas on the first column: the column is coherent. *)
+|    true
+|  | (discr_pat, _) ->
+|    let same_kind (col1, _) =
+|      match discr_pat.pat_desc, col1.pat_desc with
+|      | (Tpat_var _ | Tpat_alias _ | Tpat_or _), _
+|      | _, (Tpat_var _ | Tpat_alias _ | Tpat_or _) ->
+|        assert false
+|      | Tpat_construct (_, c, _), Tpat_construct (_, c', _) ->
+|        c.cstr_consts = c'.cstr_consts
+|        && c.cstr_nonconsts = c'.cstr_nonconsts
+|      | Tpat_constant c1, Tpat_constant c2 -> begin
+|          match c1, c2 with
+|          | Const_char _, Const_char _
+|          | Const_int _, Const_int _
+|          | Const_int32 _, Const_int32 _
+|          | Const_int64 _, Const_int64 _
+|          | Const_nativeint _, Const_nativeint _
+|          | Const_float _, Const_float _
+|          | Const_string _, Const_string _ -> true
+|          | _, _ -> false
+|        end
+|      | Tpat_tuple l1, Tpat_tuple l2 -> List.length l1 = List.length l2
+|      | Tpat_record ((_, lbl1, _) :: _, _), Tpat_record ((_, lbl2, _) :: _, _) ->
+|        Array.length lbl1.lbl_all = Array.length lbl2.lbl_all
+|      | Tpat_any, _
+|      | _, Tpat_any
+|      | Tpat_record ([], _), Tpat_record ([], _)
+|      | Tpat_variant _, Tpat_variant _
+|      | Tpat_array _, Tpat_array _
+|      | Tpat_lazy _, Tpat_lazy _ -> true
+|      | _, _ -> false
+|    in
+|    List.for_all same_kind matrix
  (* Compatibility check *)
  (* Patterns p and q compatible means:
     there exists value V that matches both, However....
    The case of extension types is dubious, as constructor rebind permits
@@@@@@@@@@ -991,76 +1107,104 @@@@@@@@@@
    Core function :
    Is the last row of pattern matrix pss + qs satisfiable ?
    That is :
      Does there exists at least one value vector, es such that :
       1- for all ps in pss ps # es (ps and es are not compatible)
       2- qs <= es                  (es matches qs)
+|   ---
+|   In two places in the following function, we check the coherence of the first
+|   column.
+|   If it is incoherent, then we exit early saying that (pss + qs) is not
+|   satisfiable (which is equivalent to saying "oh, we shouldn't have considered
+|   that branch, no good result came come from here").
+|   But what happens if we have a coherent but ill-typed column?
+|   - we might end up returning [false], which is equivalent to noticing the
+|   incompatibility: clearly this is fine.
+|   - if we end up returning [true] then we're saying that [qs] is useful while
+|   it is not. This is sad but not the end of the world, we're just allowing dead
+|   code to survive.
  let rec satisfiable pss qs = match pss with
  | [] -> has_instances qs
  | _  ->
      match qs with
      | [] -> false
      | {pat_desc = Tpat_or(q1,q2,_)}::qs ->
          satisfiable pss (q1::qs) || satisfiable pss (q2::qs)
      | {pat_desc = Tpat_alias(q,_,_)}::qs ->
            satisfiable pss (q::qs)
      | {pat_desc = (Tpat_any | Tpat_var(_))}::qs ->
          let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+|        if not (first_column_is_coherent pss) then (
+|          false
+|        ) else (
            let q0 = discr_pat omega pss in
!|        begin match build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss with
            | { default; constrs = [] } ->
                (* first column of pss is made of variables only *)
                satisfiable default qs
            | { default; constrs }  ->
                if full_match false constrs then
                    (fun (p,pss) ->
                      not (is_absent_pat p) &&
                      satisfiable pss (simple_match_args p omega @ qs))
                  satisfiable default qs
-|        end
+|        )
      | {pat_desc=Tpat_variant (l,_,r)}::_ when is_absent l r -> false
      | q::qs ->
          let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
          let q0 = discr_pat q pss in
+|        if not (first_column_is_coherent pss) then (
+|          false
+|        ) else (
            satisfiable (build_specialized_submatrix ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss)
              (simple_match_args q0 q @ qs)
+|        )
  (* While [satisfiable] only checks whether the last row of [pss + qs] is
     satisfiable, this function returns the (possibly empty) list of vectors [es]
     which verify:
       1- for all ps in pss, ps # es (ps and es are not compatible)
       2- qs <= es                   (es matches qs)
!|   This is done to enable GADT handling
!|   For considerations regarding the coherence check, see the comment on
!|   [satisfiable] above.  *)
  let rec list_satisfying_vectors pss qs =
    match pss with
    | [] -> if has_instances qs then [qs] else []
    | _  ->
        match qs with
        | [] -> []
        | {pat_desc = Tpat_or(q1,q2,_)}::qs ->
            list_satisfying_vectors pss (q1::qs) @
            list_satisfying_vectors pss (q2::qs)
        | {pat_desc = Tpat_alias(q,_,_)}::qs ->
            list_satisfying_vectors pss (q::qs)
        | {pat_desc = (Tpat_any | Tpat_var(_))}::qs ->
            let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+|          if not (first_column_is_coherent pss) then (
+|            []
+|          ) else (
              let q0 = discr_pat omega pss in
              let wild default_matrix p =
                List.map (fun qs -> p::qs)
                  (list_satisfying_vectors default_matrix qs)
!|          begin match build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss with
              | { default; constrs = [] } ->
                  (* first column of pss is made of variables only *)
                  wild default omega
              | { default; constrs = ((p,_)::_ as constrs) } ->
                  let for_constrs () =
                    List.flatten (
                      List.map (fun (p,pss) ->
                        if is_absent_pat p then
@@@@@@@@@@ -1073,28 +1217,33 @@@@@@@@@@
                          List.map (set_args p) witnesses
                      ) constrs
                  if full_match false constrs then for_constrs () else
                  match p.pat_desc with
                  | Tpat_construct _ ->
                      (* activate this code for checking non-gadt constructors *)
                      wild default (build_other_constrs constrs p)
                      @ for_constrs ()
                  | _ ->
                      wild default omega
-|          end
+|          )
        | {pat_desc=Tpat_variant (l,_,r)}::_ when is_absent l r -> []
        | q::qs ->
            let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+|          if not (first_column_is_coherent pss) then (
+|            []
+|          ) else (
              let q0 = discr_pat q pss in
              List.map (set_args q0)
                   (build_specialized_submatrix ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss)
                   (simple_match_args q0 q @ qs))
+|          )
  (* Look for a row that matches some value *)
    Useful for seeing if the example of
    non-matched value can indeed be matched
@@@@@@@@@@ -1113,19 +1262,21 @@@@@@@@@@
    | {pat_desc = Tpat_any} ->
        let rec remove_first_column = function
          | (_::ps)::rem -> ps::remove_first_column rem
          | _ -> []
        do_match (remove_first_column pss) qs
    | _ ->
        let q0 = normalize_pat q in
+|      let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+|      (* [pss] will (or won't) match [q0 :: qs] regardless of the coherence of
+|         its first column. *)
!|        (build_specialized_submatrix ~extend_row:(@) q0
!|           (simplify_first_col pss))
          (simple_match_args q0 q @ qs)
  type 'a exhaust_result =
    | No_matching_value
    | Witnesses of 'a list
  let rappend r1 r2 =
@@@@@@@@@@ -1168,18 +1319,33 @@@@@@@@@@
    This function should be called for exhaustiveness check only.
  let rec exhaust (ext:Path.t option) pss n = match pss with
  | []    ->  Witnesses [omegas n]
  | []::_ ->  No_matching_value
  | pss   ->
      let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+|    if not (first_column_is_coherent pss) then
+|      (* We're considering an ill-typed branch, we won't actually be able to
+|         produce a well typed value taking that branch. *)
+|      No_matching_value
+|    else (
+|      (* Assuming the first column is ill-typed but considered coherent, we
+|         might end up producing an ill-typed witness of non-exhaustivity
+|         corresponding to the current branch.
+|         If [exhaust] has been called by [do_check_partial], then the witnesses
+|         produced get typechecked and the ill-typed ones are discarded.
+|         If [exhaust] has been called by [do_check_fragile], then it is possible
+|         we might fail to warn the user that the matching is fragile. See for
+|         example testsuite/tests/warnings/w04_failure.ml. *)
        let q0 = discr_pat omega pss in
!|    begin match build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss with
        | { default; constrs = [] } ->
            (* first column of pss is made of variables only *)
            begin match exhaust ext default (n-1) with
            | Witnesses r -> Witnesses (List.map (fun row -> q0::row) r)
            | r -> r
        | { default; constrs } ->
            let try_non_omega (p,pss) =
@@@@@@@@@@ -1206,17 +1372,17 @@@@@@@@@@
                    let p = build_other ext constrs in
                    let dug = List.map (fun tail -> p :: tail) r in
                    match before with
                    | No_matching_value -> Witnesses dug
                    | Witnesses x -> Witnesses (x @ dug)
          (* cannot occur, since constructors don't make a full signature *)
                  | Empty -> fatal_error "Parmatch.exhaust"
-|    end
+|  )
  let exhaust ext pss n =
    let ret = exhaust ext pss n in
    match ret with
      No_matching_value -> No_matching_value
    | Witnesses lst ->
        let singletons =
@@@@@@@@@@ -1239,18 +1405,21 @@@@@@@@@@
     (even if it doesn't help in making the matching exhaustive).
  let rec pressure_variants tdefs = function
    | []    -> false
    | []::_ -> true
    | pss   ->
        let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+|      if not (first_column_is_coherent pss) then
+|        true
+|      else (
          let q0 = discr_pat omega pss in
!|      begin match build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss with
          | { default; constrs = [] } -> pressure_variants tdefs default
          | { default; constrs } ->
              let rec try_non_omega = function
                | (_p,pss) :: rem ->
                    let ok = pressure_variants tdefs pss in
                    (* The order below matters : we want [pressure_variants] to be
                      called on all the specialized submatrices because we might
                      close some variant in any of them regardless of whether [ok]
@@@@@@@@@@ -1279,17 +1448,17 @@@@@@@@@@
                  ({pat_desc=Tpat_variant _} as p,_):: _, Some env ->
                    let row = row_of_pat p in
                    if Btype.row_fixed row
                    || pressure_variants None default then ()
                    else close_variant env row
                | _ -> ()
-|      end
+|      )
  (* Yet another satisfiable function *)
     This time every_satisfiable pss qs checks the
     utility of every expansion of qs.
     Expansion means expansion of or-patterns inside qs
@@@@@@@@@@ -1388,17 +1557,17 @@@@@@@@@@
    match p.pat_desc with
    | Tpat_alias (p,_,_) -> simplify_head_pat p ps k
    | Tpat_var (_,_) -> (omega, ps) :: k
    | Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) -> simplify_head_pat p1 ps (simplify_head_pat p2 ps k)
    | _ -> (p, ps) :: k
  (* Back to normal matrices *)
!|let make_vector r = List.rev r.no_ors
  let make_matrix rs = List.map make_vector rs
  (* Standard union on answers *)
  let union_res r1 r2 = match r1, r2 with
  | (Unused,_)
  | (_, Unused) -> Unused
@@@@@@@@@@ -1480,21 +1649,27 @@@@@@@@@@
  (* this is a real or-pattern *)
            every_satisfiables (push_or_column pss) (push_or qs)
      | Tpat_variant (l,_,r) when is_absent l r -> (* Ah Jacques... *)
      | _ ->
  (* standard case, filter matrix *)
          let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+|        (* The handling of incoherent matrices is kept in line with
+|           [satisfiable] *)
+|        if not (first_column_is_coherent pss) then
+|          Unused
+|        else (
            let q0 = discr_pat q pss in
              (build_specialized_submatrix q0 pss
                ~extend_row:(fun ps r -> { r with active = ps @ r.active }))
              {qs with active=simple_match_args q0 q @ rem}
+|        )
    This function ``every_both'' performs the usefulness check
    of or-pat q1|q2.
    The trick is to call every_satisfied twice with
    current active columns restricted to q1 and q2,
    That way,
@@@@@@@@@@ -2162,21 +2337,36 @@@@@@@@@@
         the list of binding sets. We can thus compute the stable
         variables of each varset by pairwise intersection. *)
      let rows_varsets = List.map (fun { varsets; _ } -> varsets) rs in
      let stables_in_varsets = reduce (List.map2 IdSet.inter) rows_varsets in
      (* The stable variables are those stable at any position *)
      List.fold_left IdSet.union IdSet.empty stables_in_varsets
  | rs ->
-|   let submatrices = split_rows (simplify_first_col rs) in
+|    let rs = simplify_first_col rs in
+|    if not (first_column_is_coherent rs) then (
+|      (* If the first column is incoherent, then all the variables of this
+|         matrix are stable. *)
+|      List.fold_left (fun acc (_, { varsets; _ }) ->
+|        List.fold_left IdSet.union acc varsets
+|      ) IdSet.empty rs
+|    ) else (
+|      (* If the column is ill-typed but deemed coherent, we might spuriously
+|         warn about some variables being unstable.
+|         As sad as that might be, the warning can be silenced by splitting the
+|         or-pattern...
+|      *)
+|      let submatrices = split_rows rs in
        let submat_stable = List.map matrix_stable_vars submatrices in
        (* a stable variable must be stable in each submatrix;
          if the matrix has at least one row, there is at least one submatrix *)
        reduce IdSet.inter submat_stable
+|    )
  let pattern_stable_vars p = matrix_stable_vars [{varsets = []; row = [p]}]
  (* All identifier paths that appear in an expression that occurs
     as a clause right hand side or guard.
    The function is rather complex due to the compilation of
    unpack patterns by introducing code in rhs expressions