Module Async_unix.Thread_safe

The Thread_safe module has functions that are safe to call from threads outside Async.

All the Thread_safe.block* and* functions wake up the Async scheduler to ensure that it continues in a timely manner with whatever jobs got started. Some functions take an optional ?wakeup_scheduler:bool argument, which defaults to true. One can cause the scheduler to not be woken up by supplying ~wakeup_scheduler:false, which can reduce CPU use, but increase latency, because the scheduler may not wake up for a while to process jobs.

val am_holding_async_lock : unit ‑> bool

am_holding_async_lock () returns true if the currently running thread is holding the Async lock.

val deferred : unit ‑> 'a Async_kernel.Deferred.t * ('a ‑> unit)

deferred () returns (d, fill) where d is a deferred that will become determined with value v once fill v is called.

It is ok to call deferred from inside or outside Async. fill must be called from outside Async.

val run_in_async_with_optional_cycle : ?wakeup_scheduler:bool ‑> (unit ‑> [ `Run_a_cycle | `Do_not_run_a_cycle ] * 'a) ‑> ('a, exn) Core.Result.t

run_in_async_with_optional_cycle f acquires the Async lock and runs f () while holding the lock. Depending on the result of f, it may also run a cycle.

val run_in_async : ?wakeup_scheduler:bool ‑> (unit ‑> 'a) ‑> ('a, exn) Core.Result.t

run_in_async f acquires the Async lock and runs f () while holding the lock. It returns the result of f () to the outside world. The scheduler is woken up to ensures the code that depends on f () is run soon enough.

run_in_async doesn't run a cycle.

run_in_async does not automatically start the Async scheduler. You still need to call Scheduler.go elsewhere in your program.

val run_in_async_exn : ?wakeup_scheduler:bool ‑> (unit ‑> 'a) ‑> 'a
val block_on_async : (unit ‑> 'a Async_kernel.Deferred.t) ‑> ('a, exn) Core.Result.t

block_on_async f runs f () in the Async world and blocks until the result becomes determined. This function can be called from the main thread (before Async is started) or from a thread outside Async.

block_on_async will run a cycle if the deferred isn't determined, in the hope that running the cycle will cause the deferred to become determined.

block_on_async will automatically start the scheduler if it isn't already running.

val block_on_async_exn : (unit ‑> 'a Async_kernel.Deferred.t) ‑> 'a
val run_in_async_wait : (unit ‑> 'a Async_kernel.Deferred.t) ‑> ('a, exn) Core.Result.t

run_in_async_wait f is like block_on_async f, except that it must be called from a thread outside Async. Upon returning from run_in_async_wait, it is guaranteed that the caller does not have the Async lock.

val run_in_async_wait_exn : (unit ‑> 'a Async_kernel.Deferred.t) ‑> 'a
val reset_scheduler : unit ‑> unit

reset_scheduler stops the scheduler thread and any associated threads, and resets Async's global state to its initial state. This is useful if you need to first use Async to compute a value and then to daemonize (in which case you should daemonize with ~allow_threads_to_have_been_created:true). reset_scheduler can be called from the main thread (before Async is started) or from a thread outside Async.