Module Async_interactive.Job

val run : f:(unit ‑> 'a Async.Deferred.t) ‑> ('r, unit, string, 'a Async.Deferred.tCore.format4 ‑> 'r

This module allows you to have messages printed when you start and finish jobs without having a bad interaction in case of interleaved jobs run in parallel.

Example of code:
 !"starting doing stuff A in process %{Pid}" pid
          ~f:(fun () -> do_stuff_A ())
        >>= fun () ->

Example of output:

1 process:

        starting doing stuff A in process 1234 ... done.

Multiple processes:

        starting doing stuff A in process 1234 ...
        starting doing stuff A in process 4321 ...
        all done.
        starting doing stuff A in process 5678 ... done.