Module Ecaml.System
(Info-goto-node "(elisp)System Environment")
Emacs maintains its own copy of the path and environment which is not visible to OCaml. Therefore, Async.Process.create
will not give the same path and environment as Ecaml.Process.create
, and Ecaml.System.setenv ~var:"PATH"
does not affect the behavior of Async.Process.create
(or Ecaml.Process.create
val getenv : var:string -> string option
(describe-function 'getenv)
(Info-goto-node "(elisp)System Environment")
val setenv : var:string -> value:string option -> unit
(describe-function 'setenv)
(Info-goto-node "(elisp)System Environment")
val process_environment : string list Var.t
(describe-variable 'process-environment)
(Info-goto-node "(elisp)System Environment")
val noninteractive : bool Var.t
(describe-variable 'noninteractive)
(Info-goto-node "(elisp)Batch Mode")
val hostname : unit -> string
val exec_path : string list Var.t
(describe-variable 'exec-path)
module Var_and_value : sig ... end
val setenv_temporarily : (_, 'a) Sync_or_async.t -> Var_and_value.t list -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a