Module Writer0.Fields

val names : string list
val backing_out_channel : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tBacking_out_channel.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val line_ending : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tLine_ending.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val open_flags : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]topen_flags Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val raise_when_consumer_leaves : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, bool) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val consumer_left : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val check_buffer_age : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Check_buffer_age'.t Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val flush_at_shutdown_elt : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val producers_to_flush_at_close : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(unit -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Core.Bag.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val close_started : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val close_finished : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val close_state : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Closed | `Closed_and_flushing | `Open ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val flushes : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(Flush_result.t Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t * Core.Int63.t) Core.Queue.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val time_source : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Time_source.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val back : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val scheduled_back : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val buf : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Bigstring.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val scheduled_bytes : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val scheduled : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tScheduled.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val bytes_written : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val bytes_received : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val syscall : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Per_cycle | `Periodic of Async_unix.Require_explicit_time_source.Time.Span.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val background_writer_stopped : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val background_writer_state : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Not_running | `Running | `Stopped_permanently of Stop_reason.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val inner_monitor : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val monitor : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val fd : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix.Fd.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val id : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tId.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm
val make_creator : id:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tId.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a -> ('b -> Id.t) * 'c) -> fd:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix.Fd.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'c -> ('b -> Async_unix.Fd.t) * 'd) -> monitor:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'd -> ('b -> Async_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) * 'e) -> inner_monitor:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'e -> ('b -> Async_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) * 'f) -> background_writer_state:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Not_running | `Running | `Stopped_permanently of Stop_reason.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'f -> ('b -> [ `Not_running | `Running | `Stopped_permanently of Stop_reason.t ]) * 'g) -> background_writer_stopped:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'g -> ('b -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) * 'h) -> syscall:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Per_cycle | `Periodic of Async_unix.Require_explicit_time_source.Time.Span.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'h -> ('b -> [ `Per_cycle | `Periodic of Async_unix.Require_explicit_time_source.Time.Span.t ]) * 'i) -> bytes_received:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'i -> ('b -> Core.Int63.t) * 'j) -> bytes_written:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'j -> ('b -> Core.Int63.t) * 'k) -> scheduled:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tScheduled.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'k -> ('b -> Scheduled.t) * 'l) -> scheduled_bytes:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'l -> ('b -> int) * 'm) -> buf:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Bigstring.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'm -> ('b -> Core.Bigstring.t) * 'n) -> scheduled_back:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'n -> ('b -> int) * 'o) -> back:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'o -> ('b -> int) * 'p) -> time_source:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Time_source.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'p -> ('b -> Async_unix__.Import.Time_source.t) * 'q) -> flushes:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(Flush_result.t Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t * Core.Int63.t) Core.Queue.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'q -> ('b -> (Flush_result.t Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t * Core.Int63.t) Core.Queue.t) * 'r) -> close_state:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Closed | `Closed_and_flushing | `Open ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'r -> ('b -> [ `Closed | `Closed_and_flushing | `Open ]) * 's) -> close_finished:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 's -> ('b -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) * 't) -> close_started:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 't -> ('b -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) * 'u) -> producers_to_flush_at_close:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(unit -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Core.Bag.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'u -> ('b -> (unit -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Core.Bag.t) * 'v) -> flush_at_shutdown_elt:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'v -> ('b -> t Core.Bag.Elt.t option) * 'w) -> check_buffer_age:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Check_buffer_age'.t Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'w -> ('b -> t Check_buffer_age'.t Core.Bag.Elt.t option) * 'x) -> consumer_left:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'x -> ('b -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) * 'y) -> raise_when_consumer_leaves:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, bool) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'y -> ('b -> bool) * 'z) -> open_flags:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]topen_flags Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'z -> ('b -> open_flags Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) * 'a1) -> line_ending:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tLine_ending.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a1 -> ('b -> Line_ending.t) * 'b1) -> backing_out_channel:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tBacking_out_channel.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'b1 -> ('b -> Backing_out_channel.t option) * 'c1) -> 'a -> ('b -> t) * 'c1
val create : id:Id.t -> fd:Async_unix.Fd.t -> monitor:Async_unix__.Import.Monitor.t -> inner_monitor:Async_unix__.Import.Monitor.t -> background_writer_state:[ `Not_running | `Running | `Stopped_permanently of Stop_reason.t ] -> background_writer_stopped:unit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t -> syscall:[ `Per_cycle | `Periodic of Async_unix.Require_explicit_time_source.Time.Span.t ] -> bytes_received:Core.Int63.t -> bytes_written:Core.Int63.t -> scheduled:Scheduled.t -> scheduled_bytes:int -> buf:Core.Bigstring.t -> scheduled_back:int -> back:int -> time_source:Async_unix__.Import.Time_source.t -> flushes:(Flush_result.t Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t * Core.Int63.t) Core.Queue.t -> close_state:[ `Closed | `Closed_and_flushing | `Open ] -> close_finished:unit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t -> close_started:unit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t -> producers_to_flush_at_close:(unit -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Core.Bag.t -> flush_at_shutdown_elt:t Core.Bag.Elt.t option -> check_buffer_age:t Check_buffer_age'.t Core.Bag.Elt.t option -> consumer_left:unit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t -> raise_when_consumer_leaves:bool -> open_flags:open_flags Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t -> line_ending:Line_ending.t -> backing_out_channel:Backing_out_channel.t option -> t
val map : id:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tId.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> Id.t) -> fd:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix.Fd.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> Async_unix.Fd.t) -> monitor:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> Async_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) -> inner_monitor:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> Async_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) -> background_writer_state:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Not_running | `Running | `Stopped_permanently of Stop_reason.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> [ `Not_running | `Running | `Stopped_permanently of Stop_reason.t ]) -> background_writer_stopped:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) -> syscall:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Per_cycle | `Periodic of Async_unix.Require_explicit_time_source.Time.Span.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> [ `Per_cycle | `Periodic of Async_unix.Require_explicit_time_source.Time.Span.t ]) -> bytes_received:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> Core.Int63.t) -> bytes_written:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> Core.Int63.t) -> scheduled:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tScheduled.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> Scheduled.t) -> scheduled_bytes:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> int) -> buf:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Bigstring.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> Core.Bigstring.t) -> scheduled_back:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> int) -> back:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> int) -> time_source:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Time_source.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> Async_unix__.Import.Time_source.t) -> flushes:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(Flush_result.t Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t * Core.Int63.t) Core.Queue.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> (Flush_result.t Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t * Core.Int63.t) Core.Queue.t) -> close_state:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Closed | `Closed_and_flushing | `Open ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> [ `Closed | `Closed_and_flushing | `Open ]) -> close_finished:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) -> close_started:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) -> producers_to_flush_at_close:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(unit -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Core.Bag.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> (unit -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Core.Bag.t) -> flush_at_shutdown_elt:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> t Core.Bag.Elt.t option) -> check_buffer_age:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Check_buffer_age'.t Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> t Check_buffer_age'.t Core.Bag.Elt.t option) -> consumer_left:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) -> raise_when_consumer_leaves:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, bool) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> open_flags:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]topen_flags Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> open_flags Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) -> line_ending:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tLine_ending.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> Line_ending.t) -> backing_out_channel:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tBacking_out_channel.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> Backing_out_channel.t option) -> t
val iter : id:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tId.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> fd:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix.Fd.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> monitor:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> inner_monitor:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> background_writer_state:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Not_running | `Running | `Stopped_permanently of Stop_reason.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> background_writer_stopped:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> syscall:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Per_cycle | `Periodic of Async_unix.Require_explicit_time_source.Time.Span.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> bytes_received:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> bytes_written:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> scheduled:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tScheduled.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> scheduled_bytes:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> buf:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Bigstring.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> scheduled_back:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> back:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> time_source:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Time_source.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> flushes:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(Flush_result.t Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t * Core.Int63.t) Core.Queue.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> close_state:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Closed | `Closed_and_flushing | `Open ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> close_finished:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> close_started:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> producers_to_flush_at_close:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(unit -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Core.Bag.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> flush_at_shutdown_elt:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> check_buffer_age:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Check_buffer_age'.t Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> consumer_left:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> raise_when_consumer_leaves:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, bool) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> open_flags:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]topen_flags Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> line_ending:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tLine_ending.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> backing_out_channel:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tBacking_out_channel.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> unit) -> unit
val fold : init:'a -> id:('a -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tId.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'b) -> fd:('b -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix.Fd.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'c) -> monitor:('c -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'd) -> inner_monitor:('d -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'e) -> background_writer_state:('e -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Not_running | `Running | `Stopped_permanently of Stop_reason.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'f) -> background_writer_stopped:('f -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'g) -> syscall:('g -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Per_cycle | `Periodic of Async_unix.Require_explicit_time_source.Time.Span.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'h) -> bytes_received:('h -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'i) -> bytes_written:('i -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'j) -> scheduled:('j -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tScheduled.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'k) -> scheduled_bytes:('k -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'l) -> buf:('l -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Bigstring.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'm) -> scheduled_back:('m -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'n) -> back:('n -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'o) -> time_source:('o -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Time_source.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'p) -> flushes:('p -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(Flush_result.t Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t * Core.Int63.t) Core.Queue.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'q) -> close_state:('q -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Closed | `Closed_and_flushing | `Open ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'r) -> close_finished:('r -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 's) -> close_started:('s -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 't) -> producers_to_flush_at_close:('t -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(unit -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Core.Bag.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'u) -> flush_at_shutdown_elt:('u -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'v) -> check_buffer_age:('v -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Check_buffer_age'.t Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'w) -> consumer_left:('w -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'x) -> raise_when_consumer_leaves:('x -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, bool) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'y) -> open_flags:('y -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]topen_flags Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'z) -> line_ending:('z -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tLine_ending.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a1) -> backing_out_channel:('a1 -> ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tBacking_out_channel.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'b1) -> 'b1
val map_poly : ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t'a) Fieldslib.Field.user -> 'a list
val for_all : id:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tId.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> fd:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix.Fd.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> monitor:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> inner_monitor:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> background_writer_state:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Not_running | `Running | `Stopped_permanently of Stop_reason.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> background_writer_stopped:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> syscall:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Per_cycle | `Periodic of Async_unix.Require_explicit_time_source.Time.Span.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> bytes_received:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> bytes_written:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> scheduled:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tScheduled.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> scheduled_bytes:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> buf:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Bigstring.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> scheduled_back:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> back:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> time_source:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Time_source.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> flushes:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(Flush_result.t Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t * Core.Int63.t) Core.Queue.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> close_state:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Closed | `Closed_and_flushing | `Open ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> close_finished:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> close_started:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> producers_to_flush_at_close:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(unit -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Core.Bag.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> flush_at_shutdown_elt:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> check_buffer_age:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Check_buffer_age'.t Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> consumer_left:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> raise_when_consumer_leaves:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, bool) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> open_flags:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]topen_flags Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> line_ending:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tLine_ending.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> backing_out_channel:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tBacking_out_channel.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> bool
val exists : id:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tId.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> fd:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix.Fd.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> monitor:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> inner_monitor:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> background_writer_state:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Not_running | `Running | `Stopped_permanently of Stop_reason.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> background_writer_stopped:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> syscall:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Per_cycle | `Periodic of Async_unix.Require_explicit_time_source.Time.Span.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> bytes_received:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> bytes_written:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> scheduled:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tScheduled.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> scheduled_bytes:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> buf:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Bigstring.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> scheduled_back:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> back:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> time_source:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Time_source.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> flushes:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(Flush_result.t Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t * Core.Int63.t) Core.Queue.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> close_state:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Closed | `Closed_and_flushing | `Open ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> close_finished:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> close_started:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> producers_to_flush_at_close:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(unit -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Core.Bag.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> flush_at_shutdown_elt:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> check_buffer_age:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Check_buffer_age'.t Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> consumer_left:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> raise_when_consumer_leaves:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, bool) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> open_flags:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]topen_flags Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> line_ending:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tLine_ending.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> backing_out_channel:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tBacking_out_channel.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> bool) -> bool
val to_list : id:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tId.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> fd:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix.Fd.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> monitor:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> inner_monitor:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Monitor.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> background_writer_state:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Not_running | `Running | `Stopped_permanently of Stop_reason.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> background_writer_stopped:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> syscall:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Per_cycle | `Periodic of Async_unix.Require_explicit_time_source.Time.Span.t ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> bytes_received:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> bytes_written:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Int63.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> scheduled:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tScheduled.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> scheduled_bytes:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> buf:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tCore.Bigstring.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> scheduled_back:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> back:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, int) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> time_source:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tAsync_unix__.Import.Time_source.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> flushes:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(Flush_result.t Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t * Core.Int63.t) Core.Queue.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> close_state:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t[ `Closed | `Closed_and_flushing | `Open ]) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> close_finished:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> close_started:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> producers_to_flush_at_close:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t(unit -> unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Core.Bag.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> flush_at_shutdown_elt:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> check_buffer_age:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tt Check_buffer_age'.t Core.Bag.Elt.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> consumer_left:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tunit Async_unix__.Import.Ivar.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> raise_when_consumer_leaves:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]t, bool) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> open_flags:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]topen_flags Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> line_ending:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tLine_ending.t) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> backing_out_channel:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ]tBacking_out_channel.t option) Fieldslib.Field.t_with_perm -> 'a) -> 'a list
module Direct : sig ... end