Module type Topological_sort_intf.Topological_sort

module type Node = Node
module Edge : sig ... end
val sort : ?⁠verbose:Topological_sort__.Import.bool -> (module Node with type t = 'node) -> 'node Topological_sort__.Import.list -> 'node Edge.t Topological_sort__.Import.list -> 'node Topological_sort__.Import.list Topological_sort__.Import.Or_error.t

sort (module Node) nodes edges returns a list of nodes output satisfying:

  • every node that appears in nodes or edges occurs once in output.
  • if { from; to_ } is in edges, then from occurs before to_ in output.
  • nodes that have no incoming or outgoing edges appear sorted at the end of output.

sort returns Error if there is a cycle.