Module Ecaml__.Current_buffer

include Ecaml__.Current_buffer0_intf.Current_buffer0_public
val get : unit -> Ecaml__.Buffer0.t

(describe-function 'current-buffer)

val set : Ecaml__.Buffer0.t -> unit

(describe-function 'set-buffer)

val set_temporarily : (_'a) Ecaml.Sync_or_async.t -> Ecaml__.Buffer0.t -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a

set_temporarily t ~f runs f with the current buffer set to t. (describe-function 'with-current-buffer).

val variable_is_defined : Ecaml.Symbol.t -> bool

(describe-function 'boundp)

variable_is_defined can be locally false in a buffer but true for that symbol globally, so it is defined in Current_buffer.

val symbol_value : Ecaml.Symbol.t -> Ecaml__.Import0.Value.t

(describe-function 'symbol-value)

val value : 'a Ecaml.Var.t -> 'a option

(describe-function 'symbol-value)

val value_exn : 'a Ecaml.Var.t -> 'a

(describe-function 'symbol-value)

val value_opt_exn : 'a option Ecaml.Var.t -> 'a

value_opt_exn is like value_exn, except that it raises if the variable is defined but None. This is useful for buffer-local variables of type 'a option, with a default value of nil.

val set_value : 'a Ecaml.Var.t -> 'a -> unit

(describe-function 'set)

val set_values : Ecaml.Var.And_value.t list -> unit
val clear_value : 'a Ecaml.Var.t -> unit

(describe-function 'makunbound)

val set_value_temporarily : (_'b) Ecaml.Sync_or_async.t -> 'a Ecaml.Var.t -> 'a -> f:(unit -> 'b) -> 'b
val set_values_temporarily : (_'a) Ecaml.Sync_or_async.t -> Ecaml.Var.And_value.t list -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val has_non_null_value : _ Ecaml.Var.t -> bool

(describe-function 'bound-and-true-p)

val get_buffer_local : 'a Ecaml.Buffer_local.t -> 'a
val get_buffer_local_exn : 'a option Ecaml.Buffer_local.t -> 'a
val set_buffer_local : 'a Ecaml.Buffer_local.t -> 'a -> unit
val directory : Ecaml__.Ecaml_filename.Filename.t option Ecaml.Buffer_local.t

(describe-variable 'default-directory) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)File Name Expansion")

val undo_list : unit -> Ecaml__.Import.Value.t

(describe-variable 'buffer-undo-list) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Undo") (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Maintaining Undo")

val is_undo_enabled : unit -> bool
val set_undo_enabled : bool -> unit
val file_name : unit -> string option

(describe-function 'buffer-file-name) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Buffer File Name")

val file_name_exn : unit -> string
val name : unit -> string

(describe-function 'buffer-name)

val file_name_var : Ecaml__.Ecaml_filename.Filename.t option Ecaml.Buffer_local.t

(describe-variable 'buffer-file-name) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Buffer File Name")

module Coding_system : sig ... end
val file_coding_system : Coding_system.t option Ecaml.Buffer_local.t

(describe-variable 'file-coding-system)

val add_undo_boundary : unit -> unit

(describe-function 'undo-boundary) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Undo")

val undo : int -> unit

(describe-function 'undo)

val describe_mode : unit -> unit

(describe-function 'describe-mode) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Mode Help")

val set_temporarily_to_temp_buffer : (_'a) Ecaml.Sync_or_async.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

set_temporarily_to_temp_buffer f creates a temporary buffer and runs f with the current buffer set to the temporary buffer. (describe-function 'with-temp-buffer).

val bury : unit -> unit

(describe-function 'bury-buffer) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Buffer List")

val is_modified : unit -> bool

(describe-function 'buffer-modified-p)

val set_modified : bool -> unit

(describe-function 'set-buffer-modified-p)

val fill_column : int Ecaml.Buffer_local.t

(describe-variable 'fill-column) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Margins")

val paragraph_start : Ecaml.Regexp.t Ecaml.Var.t

(describe-variable 'paragraph-start) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Standard Regexps ")

val paragraph_separate : Ecaml.Regexp.t Ecaml.Var.t

(describe-variable 'paragraph-separate) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Standard Regexps ")

val read_only : bool Ecaml.Buffer_local.t

(describe-variable 'buffer-read-only) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Read-Only Buffers")

val transient_mark_mode : bool Ecaml.Var.t

(describe-variable 'transient-mark-mode) (describe-function 'transient-mark-mode) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)The Mark")

val major_mode : unit -> Ecaml.Major_mode.t

(describe-variable 'major-mode) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Auto Major Mode")

val change_major_mode : Ecaml.Major_mode.t -> unit Async_kernel.Deferred.t
val set_auto_mode : ?⁠keep_mode_if_same:bool -> unit -> unit Async_kernel.Deferred.t

(describe-function 'set-auto-mode)

val make_buffer_local : _ Ecaml.Var.t -> unit

(describe-function 'make-local-variable) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Creating Buffer-Local")

val is_buffer_local : _ Ecaml.Var.t -> bool

(describe-function 'local-variable-p) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Creating Buffer-Local")

val is_buffer_local_if_set : _ Ecaml.Var.t -> bool

(describe-function 'local-variable-if-set-p) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Creating Buffer-Local")

val buffer_local_variables : unit -> (Ecaml.Symbol.t * Ecaml__.Import.Value.t option) list

(describe-function 'buffer-local-variables) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Creating Buffer-Local")

val kill_buffer_local : _ Ecaml.Var.t -> unit

(describe-function 'kill-local-variable) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Creating Buffer-Local")

val local_keymap : unit -> Ecaml.Keymap.t option

(describe-function 'current-local-map) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Controlling Active Maps")

val set_local_keymap : Ecaml.Keymap.t -> unit

(describe-function 'use-local-map) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Controlling Active Maps")

val minor_mode_keymaps : unit -> Ecaml.Keymap.t list

(describe-function 'current-minor-mode-maps) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Controlling Active Maps")

val contents : ?⁠start:Ecaml.Position.t -> ?⁠end_:Ecaml.Position.t -> ?⁠text_properties:bool -> unit -> Ecaml.Text.t

(describe-function 'buffer-substring) (describe-function 'buffer-substring-no-properties)

val kill : unit -> unit Async_kernel.Deferred.t

(Info-goto-node "(elisp)Killing Buffers") (describe-function 'kill-buffer)

val save : unit -> unit Async_kernel.Deferred.t

(Info-goto-node "(elisp)Saving Buffers") (describe-function 'save-buffer)

val erase : unit -> unit

(describe-function 'erase-buffer)

val delete_region : start:Ecaml.Position.t -> end_:Ecaml.Position.t -> unit

(describe-function 'delete-region) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Deletion")

val kill_region : start:Ecaml.Position.t -> end_:Ecaml.Position.t -> unit

(describe-function 'kill-region)

val widen : unit -> unit

(describe-function 'widen) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Narrowing")

val save_current_buffer : (_'a) Ecaml.Sync_or_async.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

(describe-function 'save-current-buffer)

val save_excursion : (_'a) Ecaml.Sync_or_async.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

(describe-function 'save-excursion)

val save_mark_and_excursion : (_'a) Ecaml.Sync_or_async.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

(describe-function 'save-mark-and-excursion)

val save_restriction : (_'a) Ecaml.Sync_or_async.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

(describe-function 'save-restriction)

val set_multibyte : bool -> unit

(describe-function 'set-buffer-multibyte). (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Selecting a Representation").

val is_multibyte : unit -> bool

(describe-variable 'enable-multibyte-characters).

val rename_exn : ?⁠unique:bool -> unit -> name:string -> unit

rename_exn renames the current buffer, raising if name is already taken and unique = false; with unique = true it generates a new name. (describe-function 'rename-buffer).

val set_text_property : ?⁠start:Ecaml.Position.t -> ?⁠end_:Ecaml.Position.t -> 'a Ecaml.Text.Property_name.t -> 'a -> unit

(describe-function 'put-text-property) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Changing Properties").

val set_text_property_staged : 'a Ecaml.Text.Property_name.t -> 'a -> (start:int -> end_:int -> unit) Core_kernel.Staged.t

set_text_property_staged is an optimization of set_text_property for the same text property on a number of regions, where the positions are ints. It precomputes the Elisp property value once, and reuses it for each region.

val set_text_properties : ?⁠start:Ecaml.Position.t -> ?⁠end_:Ecaml.Position.t -> Ecaml.Text.Property.t list -> unit

(describe-function 'set-text-properties) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Changing Properties").

val set_text_properties_staged : Ecaml.Text.Property.t list -> (start:int -> end_:int -> unit) Core_kernel.Staged.t

set_text_properties_staged is an optimization of set_text_properties for the same text property on a number of regions, where the positions are ints. It precomputes the Elisp property value once, and reuses it for each region.

val get_text_property : Ecaml.Position.t -> 'a Ecaml.Text.Property_name.t -> 'a option

(describe-function 'get-text-property)

val add_text_properties : ?⁠start:Ecaml.Position.t -> ?⁠end_:Ecaml.Position.t -> Ecaml.Text.Property.t list -> unit

(describe-function 'add-text-properties) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Changing Properties").

val add_text_properties_staged : Ecaml.Text.Property.t list -> (start:int -> end_:int -> unit) Core_kernel.Staged.t

add_text_properties_staged is an optimization of add_text_properties for the same text property on a number of regions, where the positions are ints. It precomputes the Elisp property value once, and reuses it for each region.

val text_property_is_present : ?⁠start:Ecaml.Position.t -> ?⁠end_:Ecaml.Position.t -> _ Ecaml.Text.Property_name.t -> bool

text_property_is_present property_name returns true if any text in the region from start to end_ uses property_name. (describe-function 'text-property-not-all)

val set_marker_position : Ecaml.Marker.t -> Ecaml.Position.t -> unit

(describe-function 'set-marker) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Moving Markers")

val mark : unit -> Ecaml.Marker.t

(describe-function 'mark-marker) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)The Mark")

val set_mark : Ecaml.Position.t -> unit

(describe-function 'set-mark) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)The Mark")

val mark_is_active : unit -> bool

(describe-variable 'mark-active) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)The Mark")

val active_region : unit -> (Ecaml.Position.t * Ecaml.Position.t) option

(describe-function 'region-beginning) (describe-function 'region-end)

Returns (region-beginning), (region-end) if the mark is active.

val deactivate_mark : unit -> unit

(describe-function 'deactivate-mark) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)The Mark")

val syntax_class : Ecaml.Char_code.t -> Ecaml.Syntax_table.Class.t

(describe-function 'char-syntax) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Syntax Table Functions")

val syntax_table : unit -> Ecaml.Syntax_table.t

(describe-function 'syntax-table) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Syntax Table Functions")

val set_syntax_table : Ecaml.Syntax_table.t -> unit

(describe-function 'set-syntax-table) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Syntax Table Functions")

val delete_lines_matching : ?⁠start:Ecaml.Position.t -> ?⁠end_:Ecaml.Position.t -> Ecaml.Regexp.t -> unit

(describe-function 'flush-lines)

val sort_lines : ?⁠start:Ecaml.Position.t -> ?⁠end_:Ecaml.Position.t -> unit -> unit

(describe-function 'sort-lines) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Sorting")

val delete_duplicate_lines : ?⁠start:Ecaml.Position.t -> ?⁠end_:Ecaml.Position.t -> unit -> unit

(describe-function 'delete-duplicate-lines)

val indent_region : ?⁠start:Ecaml.Position.t -> ?⁠end_:Ecaml.Position.t -> unit -> unit

(describe-function 'indent-region) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Region Indent")

val revert : ?⁠confirm:bool -> unit -> unit Async_kernel.Deferred.t

(describe-function 'revert-buffer) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Reverting")

val set_revert_buffer_function : Core_kernel.Source_code_position.t -> (unit, 'a) Ecaml.Defun.Returns.t -> (confirm:bool -> 'a) -> unit

(describe-variable 'revert-buffer-function)

val replace_buffer_contents : (Ecaml__.Import.Buffer.t -> unit) Core_kernel.Or_error.t

(describe-function 'replace-buffer-contents) This function was introduced in Emacs 26 and the value is an error if an earlier version of emacs is used.

val size : unit -> int

(describe-function 'buffer-size)

val truncate_lines : bool Ecaml.Buffer_local.t

(describe-variable 'truncate-lines)

val chars_modified_tick : unit -> Ecaml.Modified_tick.t

(describe-function 'buffer-chars-modified-tick) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Buffer Modification")

val append_to : string -> unit

append_to string appends string to the end of the current buffer, and preserves point-at-max for windows that display it.

val inhibit_read_only : (_'a) Ecaml.Sync_or_async.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val line_and_column_of_position : Ecaml.Position.t -> Ecaml.Line_and_column.t
val position_of_line_and_column : Ecaml.Line_and_column.t -> Ecaml.Position.t