Module type Base__Set.For_deriving

type ('a, 'b) t
module type Sexp_of_m = sig ... end
module type M_of_sexp = sig ... end
module type Compare_m = sig ... end
module type Equal_m = sig ... end
module type Hash_fold_m = Base.Hasher.S
val sexp_of_m__t : (module Sexp_of_m with type t = 'elt) -> ('elt'cmp) t -> Base.Sexp.t
val m__t_of_sexp : (module M_of_sexp with type comparator_witness = 'cmp and type t = 'elt) -> Base.Sexp.t -> ('elt'cmp) t
val compare_m__t : (module Compare_m) -> ('elt'cmp) t -> ('elt'cmp) t -> int
val equal_m__t : (module Equal_m) -> ('elt'cmp) t -> ('elt'cmp) t -> bool
val hash_fold_m__t : (module Hash_fold_m with type t = 'elt) -> Base.Hash.state -> ('elt_) t -> Base.Hash.state
val hash_m__t : (module Hash_fold_m with type t = 'elt) -> ('elt_) t -> int