Module Rpc_parallel.Parallel.Make.1-S.Functions

The functions that can be run on this worker type


C : Rpc_parallel__.Parallel_intf.Creator with type worker_state = Worker_state.t and type connection_state = Connection_state.t and type (w, q, r) _function := (w, q, r) _function and type (w, q, r) _direct := (w, q, r) _direct


type worker
type worker_state_init_arg
type worker_state
type connection_state_init_arg
type connection_state
type 'worker functions
val functions : worker functions
val init_worker_state : worker_state_init_arg ‑> worker_state Async.Deferred.t

init_worker_state is called with the init_arg passed to spawn or serve

val init_connection_state : connection:Async.Rpc.Connection.t ‑> worker_state:worker_state ‑> connection_state_init_arg ‑> connection_state Async.Deferred.t

init_connection_state is called with the init_arg passed to Connection.client

connection should only be used to register close_finished callbacks, not to dispatch.