type 'worker functions
A type to encapsulate all the functions that can be run on this worker. Using a record type here is often the most convenient and readable.
module Worker_state : sig ... end
State associated with each Worker.t
. If this state is mutable, you must
think carefully when making multiple connections to the same spawned worker.
module Functions : functor (C : Rpc_parallel__.Parallel_intf.Creator with type worker_state = Worker_state.t and type connection_state = Connection_state.t and type (w, q, r) _function := (w, q, r) _function and type (w, q, r) _direct := (w, q, r) _direct) -> Rpc_parallel__.Parallel_intf.Functions with type worker := C.worker and type a functions := a functions and type worker_state := Worker_state.t and type worker_state_init_arg := Worker_state.init_arg and type connection_state := Connection_state.t and type connection_state_init_arg := Connection_state.init_arg
The functions that can be run on this worker type