Module Incr_dom_widgets.Mesa

Mesa provides an easy way of creating functional web tables. The user supplies a row type and "actions" to be run on those rows (along with some other funtionality) and the user gets back a table capable of:

Compared to table.mli, mesa are quicker and easier to set up but offer less flexibility.


Cells are the smallest building blocks of an mesa. To create a Cell.t, users supply a read function as a way to project the cell value from row and a Cell.Kind.t to determine how that value is displayed. Optionally, users can supply a write function as a way to inject values into row.

Multiple cells can be displayed at the intersection of a row and a column. This is intended to enable users to group related data, e.g. buy/sell edge, min/max fair, etc.


Columns define a group (of size one or more) of related data points within a single row. They accomplish this by housing one or more cells, visually arranging them either horizontally or vertically. Each column has a header as well as an optional group to visually group multiple columns together. Users can also supply a sort_by function to enable sorting on that column.


Rows are the individual data structures of the table, holding the actual data to be displayed in the table. In order to create the Mesa module, the user must supply this type along with some additional functionality. An ID must be included as well as an equal function to determine when a row's data has changed, and therefore needs to be updated on the screen.

Row also requires Action. Action allows users to supply a set of events that can occur on a Row.t. One requirement for Action is a way to construct an Action.t that signals that an edit has been commited. However, if none of your Cell.ts are writable, then this funtion will never be called.

In addition, 2 functions are required; apply_action and key_handler. apply_action supplies a way to implement the Action.ts. The user is given their report_error function to report errors from a deferred operation. The key_handler tells Mesa how to convert keyboard events into Action.ts and provides a funciton to turn those Action.ts into the necessary Vdom.Event.t.


Make returns a module that is easy to plug into your Incr_dom program.

Mouse events

      | Key code  | View mode               | Edit mode                                    | Search mode       |
      | up/C-p    | move focus up one row   | move cursor to the next editable cell        |                   |
      | down/C-n  | move focus down one row | move cursor to the previous editable cell    |                   |
      | right/C-f |                         | move cursor to the next editable column      |                   |
      | left/C-b  |                         | move cursor to the previous editable column  |                   |
      | /         | start row search        |                                              |                   |
      | e         | start row edit          |                                              |                   |
      | Enter     | [Row.key_handler]       | commit edits                                 | focus current row |
      | Esc       | [Row.key_handler]       | abandon edits                                | abandon search    |
      | _         | [Row.key_handler]       | [Row.key_handler]                            | [Row.key_handler] |
module Make : functor (State : State) -> functor (Row : Row with module State := State) -> S with module State = State and module Row = Row
type packed =
| T : ((module S with type Model.t = 'model) * 'model) ‑> packed
val pack : (module S with type Model.t = 'model) ‑> 'model ‑> packed