parses fields separated by a character, where
fields may contain escaped characters (e,g, \n
) but fields may not be quoted (e.g.,
"foo bar"
include Delimited_parsing__.Character_separated_without_quoting_intf.Character_separated_without_quoting with module Row := Row
module Row : Delimited_parsing__.Row_intf.Row
All readers defined below will raise if they encounter unparsable content.
val of_reader : (Header.t, ?quote:char ‑> sep:char ‑> Async.Reader.t ‑> Row.t Async.Pipe.Reader.t) Delimited_parsing__.Shared.reader
of_reader ?quote ?strip ?skip_lines ~sep ~header r
returns a row pipe based on data
read from the provided reader. sep
is used as the separator between fields, and is
assumed to be escaped with \ unless quote
is given.
val create_reader : (Header.t, ?quote:char ‑> sep:char ‑> string ‑> Row.t Async.Pipe.Reader.t Async.Deferred.t) Delimited_parsing__.Shared.reader
create_reader ?strip ?skip_lines ~header filename
same as of_reader, but creates
the reader for you