Module Csvfields.Csv

module Helper : sig ... end
module Spec : sig ... end
module type Csvable_simple : sig ... end
exception Excess_of_elements_in_row of string list
exception Illegal_atom of string
module type Csvable : sig ... end
module type Stringable : sig ... end
module Atom : functor (S : Stringable) -> Csvable with type t = S.t

A functor to quickly generate a Csvable module using its string conversion functions

module Make_csvable_simple : functor (S : Stringable) -> Csvable_simple with type t := S.t

All the conversion functions for internal use

module Record : functor (S : Csvable_simple) -> Csvable with type t = S.t
val unit_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> unit) * string list
val bool_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> bool) * string list
val string_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> string) * string list
val char_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> char) * string list
val int_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> int) * string list
val float_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> float) * string list
val int32_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> int32) * string list
val int64_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> int64) * string list
val nativeint_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> nativeint) * string list
val big_int_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> Big_int.big_int) * string list
val nat_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> Nat.nat) * string list
val num_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> Num.num) * string list
val ratio_of_row : _ ‑> string list ‑> (_ ‑> Ratio.ratio) * string list
type ('a, 'b, 'c) row_of = is_first:bool ‑> is_last:bool ‑> writer:(string ‑> unit) ‑> 'b ‑> 'c ‑> 'a ‑> unit
val row_of_unit : (unit, __row_of
val row_of_bool : (bool, __row_of
val row_of_string : (string, __row_of
val row_of_char : (char, __row_of
val row_of_int : (int, __row_of
val row_of_float : (float, __row_of
val row_of_int32 : (int32, __row_of
val row_of_int64 : (int64, __row_of
val row_of_nativeint : (nativeint, __row_of
val row_of_big_int : (Big_int.big_int, __row_of
val row_of_nat : (Nat.nat, __row_of
val row_of_num : (Num.num, __row_of
val row_of_ratio : (Ratio.ratio, __row_of