| Neg_int8 | (** Negative integer was positive or zero *) |
| Int_code | (** Unknown integer code while reading integer *) |
| Int_overflow | (** Overflow reading integer *) |
| Nat0_code | (** Unknown integer code while reading natural number *) |
| Nat0_overflow | (** Overflow reading natural number *) |
| Int32_code | (** Unknown integer code while reading 32bit integer *) |
| Int64_code | (** Unknown integer code while reading 64bit integer *) |
| Nativeint_code | (** Unknown integer code while reading native integer *) |
| Unit_code | (** Illegal unit value *) |
| Bool_code | (** Illegal boolean value *) |
| Option_code | (** Illegal option code *) |
| String_too_long | (** String too long *) |
| Variant_tag | (** Untagged integer encoding for variant tag *) |
| Array_too_long | (** Array too long *) |
| Hashtbl_too_long | (** Hashtable too long *) |
| Sum_tag of string | (** Illegal sum tag for given type *) |
| Variant of string | (** Illegal variant for given type *) |
| Poly_rec_bound of string | (** Attempt to read data bound through polymorphic record fields *) |
| Variant_wrong_type of string | (** Unexpected attempt to read variant with given non-variant type *) |
| Silly_type of string | (** Silly_type type_name indicates unhandled but silly case
where a type of the sort type 'a type_name = 'a is used
with a polymorphic variant as type parameter and included
in another polymorphic variant type. *) |
| Empty_type of string | (** Attempt to read data that corresponds to an empty type. *) |