include module type of sig ... end with type a ref := a Pervasives.ref with type (a, b, c) format := (a, b, c) Pervasives.format with type (a, b, c, d) format4 := (a, b, c, d) Pervasives.format4 with type (a, b, c, d, e, f) format6 := (a, b, c, d, e, f) Pervasives.format6 with module Pervasives := Pervasives with module Array := Caml.Array with module Buffer := Caml.Buffer with module Bytes := Caml.Bytes with module Char := Caml.Char with module Hashtbl := Caml.Hashtbl with module Int32 := Caml.Int32 with module Int64 := Caml.Int64 with module Lazy := Caml.Lazy with module List := Caml.List with module Map := Caml.Map with module Nativeint := Caml.Nativeint with module Printf := Caml.Printf with module Queue := Caml.Queue with module Random := Caml.Random with module Set := Caml.Set with module String := Caml.String with module Sys := Caml.Sys with module Uchar := Caml.Uchar
module ArrayLabels = ArrayLabels
module BytesLabels = BytesLabels
module Callback = Callback
module Ephemeron = Ephemeron
module Filename = Filename
module ListLabels = ListLabels
module MoreLabels = MoreLabels
module Nativeint = Nativeint
module Pervasives = Pervasives
module Printexc = Printexc
module Spacetime = Spacetime
module StdLabels = StdLabels
module StringLabels = StringLabels
external raise : exn ‑> 'a = "%raise"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.raise] instead
external raise_notrace : exn ‑> 'a = "%raise_notrace"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.raise_notrace] instead
val invalid_arg : string ‑> 'a
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.invalid_arg] instead
val failwith : string ‑> 'a
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.failwith] instead
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Refering to the stdlib directly is discouraged by Base. You should either
use the equivalent functionality offered by Base, or if you really want to
refer to the stdlib, use Caml.Exit instead
external (=) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool = "%equal"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( = )] instead
external (<>) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool = "%notequal"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( <> )] instead
external (<) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool = "%lessthan"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( < )] instead
external (>) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool = "%greaterthan"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( > )] instead
external (<=) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool = "%lessequal"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( <= )] instead
external (>=) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool = "%greaterequal"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( >= )] instead
external compare : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> int = "%compare"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [] instead
val min : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> 'a
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.min] instead
val max : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> 'a
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.max] instead
external (==) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool = "%eq"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [phys_equal] instead.
external (!=) : 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool = "%noteq"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [not (phys_equal ...)] instead.
external not : bool ‑> bool = "%boolnot"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.not] instead
external (&&) : bool ‑> bool ‑> bool = "%sequand"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( && )] instead
external (&) : bool ‑> bool ‑> bool = "%sequand"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( & )] instead
external (||) : bool ‑> bool ‑> bool = "%sequor"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( || )] instead
external or : bool ‑> bool ‑> bool = "%sequor"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( or )] instead
external __LOC__ : string = "%loc_LOC"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.__LOC__] instead
external __FILE__ : string = "%loc_FILE"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.__FILE__] instead
external __LINE__ : int = "%loc_LINE"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.__LINE__] instead
external __MODULE__ : string = "%loc_MODULE"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.__MODULE__] instead
external __POS__ : string * int * int * int = "%loc_POS"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.__POS__] instead
external __LOC_OF__ : 'a ‑> string * 'a = "%loc_LOC"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.__LOC_OF__] instead
external __LINE_OF__ : 'a ‑> int * 'a = "%loc_LINE"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.__LINE_OF__] instead
external __POS_OF__ : 'a ‑> (string * int * int * int) * 'a = "%loc_POS"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.__POS_OF__] instead
external (|>) : 'a ‑> ('a ‑> 'b) ‑> 'b = "%revapply"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( |> )] instead
external (@@) : ('a ‑> 'b) ‑> 'a ‑> 'b = "%apply"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( @@ )] instead
external (~-) : int ‑> int = "%negint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( ~- )] instead
external (~+) : int ‑> int = "%identity"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( ~+ )] instead
external succ : int ‑> int = "%succint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Int.succ] instead.
external pred : int ‑> int = "%predint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Int.pred] instead.
external (+) : int ‑> int ‑> int = "%addint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( + )] instead
external (-) : int ‑> int ‑> int = "%subint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( - )] instead
external (*) : int ‑> int ‑> int = "%mulint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( * )] instead
external (/) : int ‑> int ‑> int = "%divint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( / )] instead
external (mod) : int ‑> int ‑> int = "%modint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use (%), which has a sligtly different semantics, or Int.rem which is equivalent.
val abs : int ‑> int
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.abs] instead
val max_int : int
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Int.max_value] instead.
val min_int : int
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Int.min_value] instead.
external (land) : int ‑> int ‑> int = "%andint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( land )] instead
external (lor) : int ‑> int ‑> int = "%orint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( lor )] instead
external (lxor) : int ‑> int ‑> int = "%xorint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( lxor )] instead
val (lnot) : int ‑> int
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.lnot] instead
external (lsl) : int ‑> int ‑> int = "%lslint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( lsl )] instead
external (lsr) : int ‑> int ‑> int = "%lsrint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( lsr )] instead
external (asr) : int ‑> int ‑> int = "%asrint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( asr )] instead
external (~-.) : float ‑> float = "%negfloat"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( ~-. )] instead
external (~+.) : float ‑> float = "%identity"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( ~+. )] instead
external (+.) : float ‑> float ‑> float = "%addfloat"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( +. )] instead
external (-.) : float ‑> float ‑> float = "%subfloat"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( -. )] instead
external (*.) : float ‑> float ‑> float = "%mulfloat"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( *. )] instead
external (/.) : float ‑> float ‑> float = "%divfloat"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( /. )] instead
external (**) : float ‑> float ‑> float = "caml_power_float" "pow"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [**.] instead.
external sqrt : float ‑> float = "caml_sqrt_float" "sqrt"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.sqrt] instead.
external exp : float ‑> float = "caml_exp_float" "exp"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.exp] instead.
external log : float ‑> float = "caml_log_float" "log"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.log] instead.
external log10 : float ‑> float = "caml_log10_float" "log10"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.log10] instead.
external expm1 : float ‑> float = "caml_expm1_float" "caml_expm1"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.expm1] instead.
external log1p : float ‑> float = "caml_log1p_float" "caml_log1p"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.log1p] instead.
external cos : float ‑> float = "caml_cos_float" "cos"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.cos] instead.
external sin : float ‑> float = "caml_sin_float" "sin"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.sin] instead.
external tan : float ‑> float = "caml_tan_float" "tan"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.tan] instead.
external acos : float ‑> float = "caml_acos_float" "acos"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.acos] instead.
external asin : float ‑> float = "caml_asin_float" "asin"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.asin] instead.
external atan : float ‑> float = "caml_atan_float" "atan"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.atan] instead.
external atan2 : float ‑> float ‑> float = "caml_atan2_float" "atan2"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.atan2] instead.
external hypot : float ‑> float ‑> float = "caml_hypot_float" "caml_hypot"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.hypot] instead.
external cosh : float ‑> float = "caml_cosh_float" "cosh"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.cosh] instead.
external sinh : float ‑> float = "caml_sinh_float" "sinh"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.sinh] instead.
external tanh : float ‑> float = "caml_tanh_float" "tanh"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.tanh] instead.
external ceil : float ‑> float = "caml_ceil_float" "ceil"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.round_up] instead.
external floor : float ‑> float = "caml_floor_float" "floor"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.round_down] instead.
external abs_float : float ‑> float = "%absfloat"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.abs_float] instead
external copysign : float ‑> float ‑> float = "caml_copysign_float" "caml_copysign"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.copysign] instead.
external mod_float : float ‑> float ‑> float = "caml_fmod_float" "fmod"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.mod_float] instead.
external frexp : float ‑> float * int = "caml_frexp_float"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.frexp] instead.
external ldexp : float ‑> int ‑> float = "caml_ldexp_float" "caml_ldexp_float_unboxed"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.ldexp] instead.
external modf : float ‑> float * float = "caml_modf_float"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.modf] instead.
external float : int ‑> float = "%floatofint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.of_int] instead.
external float_of_int : int ‑> float = "%floatofint"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.of_int] instead.
external truncate : float ‑> int = "%intoffloat"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Int.of_float] instead.
external int_of_float : float ‑> int = "%intoffloat"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Int.of_float] instead.
val infinity : float
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.infinity] instead.
val neg_infinity : float
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.neg_infinity] instead.
val nan : float
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.nan] instead.
val max_float : float
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.max_finite_value] instead.
val min_float : float
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.min_positive_normal_value] instead.
val epsilon_float : float
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.epsilon_float] instead.
type fpclass
= Pervasives.fpclass
| FP_normal |
| FP_subnormal |
| FP_zero |
| FP_infinite |
| FP_nan |
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Refering to the stdlib directly is discouraged by Base. You should either
use the equivalent functionality offered by Base, or if you really want to
refer to the stdlib, use Caml.fpclass instead
external classify_float : float ‑> fpclass = "caml_classify_float" "caml_classify_float_unboxed"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.classify] instead.
val (^) : string ‑> string ‑> string
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( ^ )] instead
external int_of_char : char ‑> int = "%identity"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Char.to_int] instead.
val char_of_int : int ‑> char
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Char.of_int_exn] instead.
external ignore : 'a ‑> unit = "%ignore"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.ignore] instead
val string_of_bool : bool ‑> string
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Bool.to_string] instead.
val bool_of_string : string ‑> bool
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Bool.of_string] instead.
val bool_of_string_opt : string ‑> bool option
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.bool_of_string_opt] instead
val string_of_int : int ‑> string
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Int.to_string] instead.
external int_of_string : string ‑> int = "caml_int_of_string"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Int.of_string] instead.
val int_of_string_opt : string ‑> int option
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.int_of_string_opt] instead
val string_of_float : float ‑> string
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.to_string] instead.
external float_of_string : string ‑> float = "caml_float_of_string"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Float.of_string] instead.
val float_of_string_opt : string ‑> float option
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.float_of_string_opt] instead
external fst : ('a * 'b) ‑> 'a = "%field0"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.fst] instead
external snd : ('a * 'b) ‑> 'b = "%field1"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.snd] instead
val (@) : 'a list ‑> 'a list ‑> 'a list
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( @ )] instead
type in_channel
= Pervasives.in_channel
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.In_channel.t] instead.
type out_channel
= Pervasives.out_channel
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.t] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.stdin] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.stdout] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.stderr] instead.
val print_char : char ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_char Stdio.stdout] instead.
val print_string : string ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_string Stdio.stdout] instead.
val print_bytes : bytes ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_bytes Stdio.stdout] instead.
val print_int : int ‑> unit
val print_float : float ‑> unit
val print_endline : string ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.print_endline] instead.
val print_newline : unit ‑> unit
val prerr_char : char ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_char Stdio.stderr] instead.
val prerr_string : string ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_string Stdio.stderr] instead.
val prerr_bytes : bytes ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_bytes Stdio.stderr] instead.
val prerr_int : int ‑> unit
val prerr_float : float ‑> unit
val prerr_endline : string ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.prerr_endline] instead.
val prerr_newline : unit ‑> unit
val read_line : unit ‑> string
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.In_channel.input_line] instead.
val read_int : unit ‑> int
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.read_int] instead
val read_int_opt : unit ‑> int option
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.read_int_opt] instead
val read_float : unit ‑> float
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.read_float] instead
val read_float_opt : unit ‑> float option
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.read_float_opt] instead
type open_flag
= Pervasives.open_flag
| Open_rdonly |
| Open_wronly |
| Open_append |
| Open_creat |
| Open_trunc |
| Open_excl |
| Open_binary |
| Open_text |
| Open_nonblock |
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Refering to the stdlib directly is discouraged by Base. You should either
use the equivalent functionality offered by Base, or if you really want to
refer to the stdlib, use Caml.open_flag instead
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.create] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.create] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.open_out_gen] instead
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.flush] instead.
val flush_all : unit ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.flush_all] instead
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_char] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_string] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_bytes] instead.
val output : out_channel ‑> bytes ‑> int ‑> int ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output] instead.
val output_substring : out_channel ‑> string ‑> int ‑> int ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_byte] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_binary_int] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.output_value] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.pos] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.length] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.close] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.close] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.Out_channel.set_binary_mode] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.In_channel.create] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.In_channel.create] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.open_in_gen] instead
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.In_channel.pos] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.In_channel.length] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.In_channel.close] instead.
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.In_channel.close] instead.
val set_binary_mode_in : in_channel ‑> bool ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Stdio.In_channel.set_binary_mode] instead.
module LargeFile = Pervasives.LargeFile
type 'a ref
= 'a Pervasives.ref
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Refering to the stdlib directly is discouraged by Base. You should either
use the equivalent functionality offered by Base, or if you really want to
refer to the stdlib, use Caml.ref instead
external ref : 'a ‑> 'a ref = "%makemutable"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.ref] instead
external (!) : 'a ref ‑> 'a = "%field0"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( ! )] instead
external (:=) : 'a ref ‑> 'a ‑> unit = "%setfield0"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( := )] instead
external incr : int ref ‑> unit = "%incr"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Int.incr] instead.
external decr : int ref ‑> unit = "%decr"
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Use [Int.decr] instead.
type ('a, 'b) result
= ('a, 'b) Pervasives.result
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Refering to the stdlib directly is discouraged by Base. You should either
use the equivalent functionality offered by Base, or if you really want to
refer to the stdlib, use Caml.result instead
val (^^) : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ‑> ('f, 'b, 'c, 'e, 'g, 'h) format6 ‑> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'g, 'h) format6
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.( ^^ )] instead
val exit : int ‑> 'a
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.exit] instead
val at_exit : (unit ‑> unit) ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.at_exit] instead
val valid_float_lexem : string ‑> string
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.valid_float_lexem] instead
val do_at_exit : unit ‑> unit
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
There is not equivalent functionality in Base or Stdio at the moment,
so you need to use [Caml.do_at_exit] instead
- Deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml.
Instead of raising [Not_found], consider using [raise_s] with an informative error
message. If code needs to distinguish [Not_found] from other exceptions, please change
it to handle both [Not_found] and [Not_found_s]. Then, instead of raising [Not_found],
raise [Not_found_s] with an informative error message.