Module Base.Backtrace

Module for managing stack backtraces.

The Backtrace module deals with two different kinds of backtraces:

  1. Snapshots of the stack obtained on demand (Backtrace.get)
  2. The stack frames unwound when an exception is raised (Backtrace.Exn)
type t

A Backtrace.t is a snapshot of the stack obtained by calling Backtrace.get. It is represented as a string with newlines separating the frames. sexp_of_t splits the string at newlines and removes some of the cruft, leaving a human-friendly list of frames, but to_string does not.

include sig ... end
val sexp_of_t : t ‑> Sexp.t
val get : ?⁠at_most_num_frames:int ‑> unit ‑> t
val to_string : t ‑> string
val to_string_list : t ‑> string list
val elide : bool Base__.Import.ref

The value of elide controls the behavior of backtrace serialization functions such as to_string, to_string_list, and sexp_of_t. When set to false, these functions behave as expected, returning a faithful representation of their argument. When set to true, these functions will ignore their argument and return a message indicating that behavior.

The default value is am_testing.

module Exn : sig ... end

Backtrace.Exn has functions for controlling and printing the backtrace of the most recently raised exception.

val initialize_module : unit ‑> unit

User code never calls this. It is called only in, as a top-level side effect, to initialize am_recording () as specified above.