include Async_kernel
Contains Async's core data structures, like Deferred
, and Clock
is designed to depend only on Core_kernel
(as opposed
to Core
), and so is more platform-independent.
module Async_kernel_config = Async_kernel.Async_kernel_config
module Async_kernel_persistent_connection = Async_kernel__.Persistent_connection
module Async_kernel_require_explicit_time_source = Async_kernel__.Require_explicit_time_source
module Async_kernel_scheduler = Async_kernel__.Scheduler
module Bvar = Async_kernel.Bvar
module Clock_ns = Async_kernel.Clock_ns
module Condition = Async_kernel__.Async_condition
module Deferred = Async_kernel.Deferred
module Eager_deferred = Async_kernel.Eager_deferred
module Execution_context = Async_kernel.Execution_context
module Gc = Async_kernel__.Async_gc
module Invariant = Async_kernel__.Async_invariant
module Ivar = Async_kernel.Ivar
module Quickcheck = Async_kernel__.Async_quickcheck
module Lazy_deferred = Async_kernel.Lazy_deferred
module Limiter = Limiter_in_this_directory
module Monad_sequence = Async_kernel.Monad_sequence
module Monitor = Async_kernel.Monitor
module Mvar = Async_kernel.Mvar
module Pipe = Async_kernel.Pipe
module Priority = Async_kernel.Priority
module Sequencer = Throttle.Sequencer
module Stream = Async_kernel__.Async_stream
module Synchronous_time_source = Async_kernel.Synchronous_time_source
module Tail = Async_kernel.Tail
module Throttle = Async_kernel.Throttle
module Time_source = Async_kernel.Time_source
module Use_eager_deferred = Async_kernel.Use_eager_deferred
Intended usage is to open Use_eager_deferred
to shadow operations from the non-eager
world and rebind them to their eager counterparts.
The functions below are broadly useful when writing Async programs, and so are made available at the toplevel.
val after : Async_kernel__.Import.Time_ns.Span.t ‑> unit Async_kernel__.Clock_intf.Deferred.t
val at : Async_kernel__.Import.Time_ns.t ‑> unit Async_kernel__.Clock_intf.Deferred.t
val catch : ((unit ‑> unit) ‑> exn Monitor.Deferred.t) Monitor.with_optional_monitor_name
val choice : 'a Deferred.t ‑> ('a ‑> 'b) ‑> 'b Deferred.Choice.t
val choose : 'a Deferred.Choice.t list ‑> 'a Deferred.t
val don't_wait_for : unit Deferred.t ‑> unit
val every : ?start:unit Async_kernel__.Clock_intf.Deferred.t ‑> ?stop:unit Async_kernel__.Clock_intf.Deferred.t ‑> ?continue_on_error:bool ‑> Async_kernel__.Import.Time_ns.Span.t ‑> (unit ‑> unit) ‑> unit
val never : unit ‑> 'a Deferred.t
val schedule : ((unit ‑> unit) ‑> unit) Async_kernel__.Scheduler.with_options
val schedule' : ((unit ‑> 'a Async_kernel__.Scheduler.Deferred.t) ‑> 'a Async_kernel__.Scheduler.Deferred.t) Async_kernel__.Scheduler.with_options
val try_with : (?extract_exn:bool ‑> ?run:[ `Now | `Schedule ] ‑> ?rest:[ `Call of exn ‑> unit | `Log | `Raise ] ‑> (unit ‑> 'a Monitor.Deferred.t) ‑> ('a, exn) Core_kernel.Result.t Monitor.Deferred.t) Monitor.with_optional_monitor_name
val upon : 'a Deferred.t ‑> ('a ‑> unit) ‑> unit
val with_timeout : Async_kernel__.Import.Time_ns.Span.t ‑> 'a Async_kernel__.Clock_intf.Deferred.t ‑> [ `Result of 'a | `Timeout ] Async_kernel__.Clock_intf.Deferred.t
val within : ((unit ‑> unit) ‑> unit) Async_kernel__.Scheduler.with_options
val within' : ((unit ‑> 'a Async_kernel__.Scheduler.Deferred.t) ‑> 'a Async_kernel__.Scheduler.Deferred.t) Async_kernel__.Scheduler.with_options
supportinclude Core_kernel.Monad.Infix with type a t := a Deferred.t
val (>>=?) : ('a, 'b) Deferred.Result.t ‑> ('a ‑> ('c, 'b) Deferred.Result.t) ‑> ('c, 'b) Deferred.Result.t
equivalent to Deferred.Result.bind.
val (>>|?) : ('a, 'b) Deferred.Result.t ‑> ('a ‑> 'c) ‑> ('c, 'b) Deferred.Result.t
equivalent to
include Deferred.Let_syntax
These are convenient to have in scope when programming with a monad:
val return : 'a ‑> 'a Deferred.t
include Base__.Monad_intf.Infix with type a t := a Deferred.t
module Let_syntax = Deferred.Let_syntax.Let_syntax
include Async_unix
module Async_config = Async_unix__.Config
module Clock = Async_unix.Clock
module Dump_core_on_job_delay = Async_unix.Dump_core_on_job_delay
module Fd = Async_unix.Fd
module In_thread = Async_unix.In_thread
module Io_stats = Async_unix.Io_stats
module Log = Async_unix.Log
module Print = Async_unix__.Async_print
module Process = Async_unix.Process
module Reader = Async_unix.Reader
module Require_explicit_time_source = Async_unix.Require_explicit_time_source
module Scheduler = Async_unix.Scheduler
module Shutdown = Async_unix.Shutdown
module Signal = Async_unix.Signal
module Socket = Async_unix__.Unix_syscalls.Socket
module Sys = Async_unix__.Async_sys
module Thread_safe = Async_unix.Thread_safe
module Thread_safe_pipe = Async_unix.Thread_safe_pipe
module Writer = Async_unix.Writer
module Unix = Async_unix.Unix
include Async_unix__.Assign_try_with_log_exn
This module is internal to Async. It is include
d in
so that any code that
uses Async_unix
does the top-level side effect in this module to assign
val after : Core.Time.Span.t ‑> unit Async_kernel__.Clock_intf.Deferred.t
val at : Core.Time.t ‑> unit Async_kernel__.Clock_intf.Deferred.t
val every : ?start:unit Async_kernel__.Clock_intf.Deferred.t ‑> ?stop:unit Async_kernel__.Clock_intf.Deferred.t ‑> ?continue_on_error:bool ‑> Core.Time.Span.t ‑> (unit ‑> unit) ‑> unit
val with_timeout : Core.Time.Span.t ‑> 'a Async_kernel__.Clock_intf.Deferred.t ‑> [ `Result of 'a | `Timeout ] Async_kernel__.Clock_intf.Deferred.t
val schedule : ((unit ‑> unit) ‑> unit) Scheduler.with_options
val schedule' : ((unit ‑> 'a Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) ‑> 'a Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Scheduler.with_options
val shutdown : ?force:unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t ‑> int ‑> unit
val within : ((unit ‑> unit) ‑> unit) Scheduler.with_options
val within' : ((unit ‑> 'a Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) ‑> 'a Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t) Scheduler.with_options
module Printf = Async_unix.Printf
include sig ... end
module Overwrite_ : sig ... end
val close_in_noerr : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val close_in : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val close_out_noerr : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val close_out : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val flush_all : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val fprintf : Writer.t ‑> ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 ‑> 'a
val in_channel_length : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val input_binary_int : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val input_byte : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val input_char : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val input_line : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val input_lines : ?fix_win_eol:'a ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val input : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val input_value : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val open_in_bin : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val open_in_gen : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val open_in : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val open_out_bin : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val open_out_gen : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val open_out : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val out_channel_length : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val output_binary_int : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val output_byte : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val output_char : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val output : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val output_string : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val output_value : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val pos_out : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val print_s : ?mach:unit ‑> Sexplib.Sexp.t ‑> unit
val read_float : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val read_int : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val read_line : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val read_lines : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val read_wrap : ?binary:'a ‑> f:'b ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val really_input : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val seek_in : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val seek_out : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val set_binary_mode_in : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val set_binary_mode_out : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val write_lines : [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
val write_wrap : ?binary:'a ‑> f:'b ‑> [< `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ] ‑> [> `This_is_async__Think_about_blocking ]
module LargeFile : sig ... end
module Sexp : sig ... end
val exit : ?force:unit Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t ‑> int ‑> 'a Async_unix__.Import.Deferred.t
include Async_extra
module Bus = Async_extra.Bus
module Command = Async_extra.Command
module Lock_file = Async_extra.Lock_file
module Persistent_connection = Async_extra.Persistent_connection
module Rpc = Async_extra.Rpc
module Schedule_v5 = Async_extra.Schedule_v5
module Schedule_v4_deprecated = Async_extra.Schedule_v4_deprecated
module Tcp = Async_extra.Tcp
module Udp = Async_extra.Udp
module User_and_group = Async_extra.User_and_group
module Versioned_rpc = Async_rpc_kernel.Versioned_rpc
module Weak_hashtbl = Async_extra.Weak_hashtbl
module Expect_test_config : Expect_test_config.S with type 'a IO.t = 'a Deferred.t