Module Stdio

module In_channel : sig ... end

An input channel for doing blocking reads from input sources like files and sockets.

module Out_channel : sig ... end

An output channel for doing blocking writes to destinations like files and sockets.

val stdin : In_channel.t

Same as In_channel.stdin

val stdout : Out_channel.t

Same as Out_channel.stdout

val stderr : Out_channel.t

Same as Out_channel.stderr

val printf : ('aOut_channel.t, unit) Pervasives.format ‑> 'a

Same as Out_channel.printf

val eprintf : ('aOut_channel.t, unit) Pervasives.format ‑> 'a

Same as Out_channel.eprintf

val print_endline : string ‑> unit

Same as Out_channel.print_endline

val prerr_endline : string ‑> unit

Same as Out_channel.prerr_endline