Module Core_profiler_disabled.Std

module Profiler_units = Profiler_units

Core_profiler_disabled is the library in the base projection that exposes the same profiling interface as Core_profiler.

include Disabled

Every function in Disabled compiles to a no-op with the least overhead possible. Also see comments in

include Intf.Profiler_intf with type Timer.t = private unit and type Probe.t = private unit and type Delta_timer.t = private unit and type Delta_probe.t = private unit
module Profiler : sig ... end
module Timer : Intf.Probe with type create_args := a Intf.timer_create_args and type record_args := a Intf.timer_record_args and type t = private unit

A Timer contains only a time stamp and no extra information; however, it is useful because (in Offline) the current time is recorded when measurements are made.

module Probe : Intf.Probe with type create_args := a Intf.probe_create_args and type record_args := a Intf.probe_record_args and type t = private unit

A Probe records some integer value that is passed to at along with a timestamp.

module Delta_probe : sig ... end with type t = private unit

Delta_probe is an optimized two-probe group to track changes to some counter.

module Delta_timer : sig ... end with type t = private unit

Delta_timer is an optimized two-probe group to track time differences between calls to start and stop.